When Can You Play Sports After Having an IUD Inserted?

IUD insertion can be strange. A tiny T-shaped piece of plastic and possibly metal has popped out into your uterus and you may feel pain during insertion and cramping afterwards. (Or not, everyone is different.) One thing is good to know, though: You can exercise to a great extent as soon as you feel like it.

Some service providers advise to abstain from both genders and exercise for a short period of time afterwards – sometimes 24 hours, according to information I found on the Internet. But many don’t. Planned parentage, for example, does not have the same restrictions as my provider. Ask your friends if they recommend following a specific guide.

I have had two IUDs in my life, and when my editor asked me to answer the question when you can exercise after receiving an IUD, I just got a second one. The IUD did not disrupt my training schedule at all, except that I planned to do my day’s weightlifting workout ahead of time in case I got too crowded to do it after. Fortunately, I felt good. That evening I went for a walk, and the next day I returned to my usual nonsense.

You also don’t need to do anything differently in your workout routine after you have the IUD inserted. People sometimes wonder if weightlifting or strenuous cardio could dislodge the device or otherwise cause problems, but once it’s installed it will most likely stay there. Expulsion of an IUD can occur, but is rare , and exercise is not a risk factor.


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