How to Report Violations of Federal Voting Rights and Disabled Persons in Polls

If you are queuing at the polls today and witness a violation of federal suffrage or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division (DOJ) wants to hear about it.

To be clear, there is a difference between being a self-styled unofficial “poll observer” when you park at a polling station to intimidate and intimidate voters (which is what Trump encouraged his followers to do during the first debate). and observing and then reporting a situation that endangers someone’s civil rights. Now that we’ve got this straight, here’s what you need to know about the reporting process.

How to report a violation of your right to vote

Historically, the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division has been tasked with protecting the rights of American voters, and this year was no different. In addition to staff in 44 jurisdictions in 18 states that enforce federal voting rights laws, the office today also operates a hotline to receive complaints from communities who witness potential violations of the Voting Rights Act, Civil Rights Act, and other relevant federal laws. This includes intimidation and suppression of voters on the basis of race, color, disability (more on this below), national origin or religion.

Free hot line – 800-253-3931 , you can also submit a complaint through the form on the department’s website . And don’t be confused by the fact that Bill Barr is the Attorney General: the hotline is non-partisan and staffed by lawyers and civil rights personnel.

How to Report ADA Violations

The Civil Rights Division’s Disability Section enforces ADA and has a separate hotline for reporting violations of ADA. If you spot a polling station that is not ADA compliant, or have any other ADA-related questions or complaints, call the department ‘s toll-free information line at 800-514-0301 or 800-514-0383 (TDD) , or file a complaint using the link on the ADA website .

Please be aware that if you witness any irregularities at the polling station, you must immediately report it to the local electoral authorities (including those at the polling station). If there is any type of violence, threats of violence or intimidation at the polling station, you must immediately report it to the local police by calling 911. Then, when you take action on the spot, report the incident to the DOJ.


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