Why Are Wasps Everywhere in Your Food Right Now?

Late summer, which means aspen season. In a way, these sarcastic friends are a lot like us: they love barbecues and lemonade and hang out on backyard picnics. But why now?

Hornets and yellow jackets are the wasps you are probably seeing right now. They are gregarious and live in nests underground (most hornets) or hang from houses and trees (most yellow jackets). In winter, the entire colony dies off, and the surviving queen will start a new one next spring.

This means that until now, the social wasps in your area have spent most of their time caring for their growing families. The eggs hatch into larvae (similar to caterpillars or larvae), and these larvae molt and mature into adult wasps.

Like us, wasps need carbohydrates (including sugar) for energy and protein to build their bodies. The nectar from the flowers contains sugar, although they happily drink whatever sweet or syrupy they find at a picnic. When it comes to protein, wasps often eat other insects, but some also enjoy carrion. (Is this shelf of ribs you’re going to grill? In the eyes of the wasp, it’s just very fresh carrion.)

What can you do about it

First, know that August is the most frequent month for yellow jacket bites and other insects; they are there, and if you are outdoors, you are in their territory.

Keeping an eye on the nest in your area is a good idea. Wasps will often sting anyone who approaches the nest, so warn children if there is a specific part of the yard they should consider closed.

If eating outside, keep food and drinks covered as much as possible. Use a lid cooler, cover the dishes with plastic wrap and store drinks in sealed bottles, or if you need to maintain an open jar of margarita, keep it indoors until the last moment. Clean up spills immediately.

The CDC also suggests (in its general guidelines for preventing insect bites ) not to wear perfume or cologne. If you do get caught in the yellow jacket, do not knock on it; either wait for it to disappear, or move to another location.

If you are stung, wash the area with soap and water and apply ice to reduce swelling. Allergic reactions to insect venom are common, so the CDC suggests making sure someone stays with the person stung in case they have a reaction.

If you are concerned about severe redness or swelling, see your doctor, but go to the hospital immediately if you see signs of anaphylaxis . This can include swelling of the face or lips, hives on non-stung parts of the body, wheezing, dizziness, and nausea.


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