Buy Candy for Valentine’s Day on the 15th

Today is Valentine’s Day and some of you are probably struggling to buy a heart-shaped box of chocolate. Do not do this. Wait another 24 hours and you should be able to get the same lollipops at a significantly reduced price.

I am not suggesting that you show up for your scheduled date empty-handed. If you need a gift for your sweetheart, consider a lobster, or a nice steak, or a bottle of gin, or some other food that doesn’t come in themed packaging. (Paradoxically, these staples for a romantic dinner are often discarded on February 14, as opposed to candy.) Most logical people don’t really need a box of Valentine’s Day chocolate; thought (and effort) really matters. In this economy, being financially responsible is sexy, and going to the grocery store, pharmacy, or mall to stock up on half the price of candy is actually a pretty good date.

Aside from candy, there are a few other places to look for discounts on February 15th. Bakeries often sell heart-shaped cakes and cookies; Wine and liquor stores may have Victory Day bottles, and Pillsbury and similar companies often make hearty cake mixes and sliced ​​cookie dough logs. This is also a good time to decorate your home if you prefer pink, red, or romantic. (Target has some particularly cute dishes, candles, and other household items right now.) Just don’t buy candy today; buy a lot more sweets tomorrow.


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