How to Prepare for Your First Yoga Headstand

Handstands are difficult, but I’m making progress . Since our goal this month is to roll over as you like, I thought I should try some yoga inversions too. I did my first headstand today!

I used the technique from thisvideo aboutyoga with Adrien in handstand for beginners. You start with your elbows on the floor and turn your arms into a small cradle. The top of the head goes to the floor, and the hands cover the back of the head like a yarmulke.

From there, Adrien invites you to take downward dog poses where your butt is in the air and you shift your weight onto and off your head. When you’re ready, you lift one leg and then the other.

I couldn’t get into her cute little pose, curled up with my knees to my chest, so I pushed my leg and found myself – miraculously – in an ugly, wobbly headstand. I followed her advice to keep my back close (not touching) the wall, so that any time my balance was not quite right, I could touch the wall with my foot and become stable again. This is how it looked:

With a little practice, I was able to straighten my legs too. This movement will only hurt your head and neck a little (go slowly and follow all of Adrien’s advice, okay?) And I found it much less intimidating than a handstand. It is also easier to find a place to practice.

If you are not fully prepared to climb down, you can work as much video as you want, and practice to learn how to comfortably carry the weight of his head. If that’s easy for you, try moving on toforearmbalances and, yes, ahandstand .


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