This Web Application Displays the History of the Indigenous Peoples of North America

Ask any person to name a Native American tribe and you’ll probably come up with those same names (or a blank look). But the Native Land visualization tool can help you identify hundreds of tribes, even those in your current city. It’s a colorful and informative visualization and entry into a story that you probably didn’t know about.

Native Lands is a web application that, after entering your location and selecting the information you are interested in (selection includes territories, languages ​​and treaties), presents you with color-coded regions.

Hover your mouse over the region where you want to see links to external sites for even more information. The included links are handy as they usually lead either to government sites explaining the history of the tribe or to a site hosted by the tribe itself rather than a Wikipedia page.

My own knowledge of Native American history is rather sketchy – the only thing I remember from school is the nickname “Six Nations” attributed to the Iroquois Confederation. But Homeland showed me dozens of other tribes in the northeastern region of America, including smaller tribes conquered by the Iroquois.


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