How to Find Out If Your Personal Information Has Just Been Disclosed WikiLeaks

Earlier today, WikiLeaks posted over 19,000 emails from leading members of the US Democratic National Committee , and then announced this on Twitter . These emails contained the personal information of many donors, including credit card numbers, social security numbers, and even passport details. Here’s how to find out if your personal information has been leaked.

To check if your information has been compromised, go to the WikiLeaks DNC email site here and then use a simple logical search such as “deposit” to find the leaked emails. Then you can browse and use CTRL + F to find your own email address or information. And here’s a guide to the best WikiLeaks search , in case you need help. Of course, if you haven’t made any donations or contacted any of the members of the Democratic National Committee, you have nothing to worry about.

In these cases, it’s important to know what to do if your credit card is compromised , how to protect your identity if someone gets hold of your Social Security number , and what immediate steps you need to take if you are a victim of identity theft . And, as always, change passwords regularly, enable two-factor authentication whenever possible, and take precautions when sharing personal information anywhere on the Internet .

DNC Email Database via Gizmodo


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