How Much Do You Get Apartments for $ 1,500 Per Month in 30 Major US Cities

In many major cities, $ 1,500 is a small fraction of the average rental price. If you are planning a move, it is helpful to know what you will get for your money. Rent Cafe researched prices to get a good idea of ​​what a $ 1,500 a month apartment looks like in the United States.

To get the numbers, Rent Cafe used the Yardi Matrix , a commercial real estate data collection tool that collects statistics for 122 markets in the United States.

They explain:

… we were curious to see how the 30 most populous cities in the United States rank in terms of value for money – in this case, for simplicity, cost equals square footage. We calculated the average apartment size in these cities, compared it to the average rent, and a simple division gave us the average price per square foot in each city. In other words, an indicator of how well you will spend your money .

They also sent us some interesting finds:

  • In San Francisco, for $ 1,500 a month, you get 342 sq. Foot. In San Diego (698 sq. Ft.), You get double that.
  • In Manhattan, you get a studio small enough to fit freely in the living room in the four-bedroom home you get in Memphis.
  • In Boston, for $ 1,500, you get a 386-square-foot studio versus a 3-bedroom, 2.5-bathroom townhouse in Indianapolis.

In the tool below, you can hover your mouse over some of these cities to see what area you can count on for $ 1,500.

The site also shows some specific side-by-side comparisons between different cities such as Manhattan and Memphis. They also include an interactive chart that shows details for each city, including expected square footage, price per square foot, and averages for each city.

This is interesting data, especially if you are planning to relocate to any of these cities, and you can check it out at the link below.

How much space can you rent for $ 1,500 in the 30 most populous cities in the United States? | RentCafe


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