Why Hangovers Get Worse With Age

With age, everything becomes more difficult, including after a night of drunkenness. If you feel like you’re not handling your hangover as well as you used to, here’s why.

At some point in your life, you could probably go crazy Friday night and get by with just a cup of coffee on Saturday morning. But as you get older, the recovery period can range from a few hours to several days. Kari Romm of Science of Us suggests this is due to several key reasons. First, you have lower levels of the liver enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase , which are needed to break down alcohol and alcohol residues. This means that acetaldehyde , one of the nasty residues that makes you feel terrible , stays in your body longer than before.

In addition, you will get even worse for the restoration of whator, as you get older because of the thymus , or the gradual weakening of the immune system. Your body still knows how to defend itself and heal itself, but not so quickly. Last but not least, your lifestyle plays a big role in how you feel. Now that you’ve gotten older, you have more responsibilities and obligations, so you can’t just spend all day in bed recovering. This makes the hangover feel worse than before, because you are fighting headaches and nausea while working and taking care of children. The entire article is worth reading, so check it out at the link below.

Why hangovers only get worse with age | Science about us


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