Best Scientifically Proven Grenade Explosion Survival Strategy

I hope you never have to worry about a grenade exploding next to you, but it’s good to know what to do just in case. This video explains how a grenade works and how you can reduce the chances of injury if one explodes nearby.

In this video, YouTubers Marc Robert and TheBackyardScientist offer some potentially helpful tips when it comes to the typical frag grenade. As they explain above, the grenade shard (or shards) is the most dangerous part, not the explosion itself. So, if you see one hit the ground next to you, it’s time to hit the deck. Face the grenade, stand at least 15 feet away, then lie on your stomach with the flat portions of your legs facing the grenade. This will greatly reduce the chances of shrapnel getting into you, and if it does, chances are that it will end up in the soles of your shoes and not in the flesh. In addition, if you see that one of them has fallen into the water in which you are swimming, get out – do not dive deeper. This will prevent the shrapnel from entering you, but the pressure from the explosion will compress your lungs and cause serious damage.

How to survive a grenade explosion “wiki useful YouTube


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