PressReader Gives You Immediate Access to Hundreds of Newspapers Wherever You Are

Internet / Android / iOS / Windows / Blackberry: If you read a lot of newspapers, do a lot of research, or just want to see what the world is talking about in newspapers around the world, PressReader will bring them all to your browser. or your smartphone wherever you go.

PressReader is shareware: you can read a lot for free or get full access to the service at any PressReader access point, or for $ 30 a month. Either option gives you access to over 5,000 site-supported newspapers and magazines from around the world. I wonder what’s new in the Italian version of Wired (although, oddly enough, the US version is not supported) or what’s in the local section of the Washington Post? You may have moved from Boston, but still want to be aware of what’s going on there (well, the Boston Herald is available, but the Globe is not), this service can give you that.

When I tested PressReader, I found it especially useful for keeping up with international news, which often offers points of view that you won’t find in the American media, and also giving me the opportunity to see what’s going on in the communities that I do. visited in the past, or lived many years ago when living abroad. Of course, you can access many of these periodicals by visiting your local library, but the advantage of PressReader is that you can save your favorite articles and magazines (or even your favorite sections in those publications) and then use the mobile app. to take these stories with you.

Check out the service below or visit your local supported hotspot for the full picture. Most hotspots are in places like libraries, hotels, airports, and other business centers, and I didn’t have much trouble finding three or four nearby to choose from (but again, I live in a city). If you want to. what you see you can get premium, which can be cool if you’re used to getting news for free, but manageable if you compare that to signing up for a dozen different paid channels or newspaper subscriptions. For more information, visit their YouTube channel for some good videos showcasing the reading experience and the depth of the service catalog .



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