Copilot Now Lets You Use GPT-4 Turbo for Free

Microsoft’s artificial intelligence partner, Copilot, is moving to Turbo . Copilot is moving from using OpenAI’s GPT-4 model to a variant of GPT-4 Turbo, the company’s latest and greatest AI technology.

This is also not a perk reserved for Copilot Pro users: the free version of Copilot switches to GPT-4 Turbo. However, it will not be enabled by default. If you use Copilot in “Balanced” mode, it will still use GPT-4. However, switch to Precision or Creative mode and you also switch to Turbo mode.

In practice, using Turbo you may notice a slight improvement in Copilot’s responses to your queries, but GPT-4 Turbo is not a significant upgrade over GPT-4. However, OpenAI states that it is “more feature-rich” and is intended to reduce the “laziness” evident in the model. (Recently, users have complained that GPT-4 does not always complete tasks, and call the model “lazy” in such cases.) cases.)

Additionally, GPT-4 Turbo has an expanded context window that can hold up to 128,000 tokens, which means you can send longer queries that the bot will understand. (OpenAI claims that one token is worth roughly four words , so you could theoretically query GPT-4 Turbo for up to 512,000 words.) Additionally, GPT-4 Turbo is trained on a dataset spanning up to April 2023 , unlike GPT . Dataset -4 ends in September 2021, so should contain more up-to-date information when used offline. (Of course, when connected to the Internet, GPT-4 Turbo can always get the latest information.)

If you pay $20 per month for Copilot Pro , you will now have the option to upgrade to GPT-4 at any time. For free users, the only way to continue accessing GPT-4 is to use balanced mode.

This free update makes Copilot an even better candidate for your generative AI needs. Microsoft is well positioned here: the company has integrated Copilot into Windows, Microsoft 365 and Edge, and also offers a standalone app for Android and iOS . For many people who just want a reliable AI companion without having to pay for the privilege, Copilot’s free tier is quite tempting and matches many of the benefits you’ll get if you pay $20 a month for OpenAI ChatGPT Plus. But I think when Microsoft is one of your biggest financiers , it all comes out.


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