You Can Get Monthly Apple Music Reviews Now

Apple Music Replay may not be as good as Spotify Wrapped, but it comes close. Apple continues to update its summary feature to make it easier for you to view and share your listening statistics for the year. Now it gets even better: in addition to annual reports on your listening habits, Apple Music will now also generate monthly reports.

Apple previously offered monthly stats for Apple Music Replay, but this new addition goes far beyond what we had before. When you log into you will see the full Apple Music Replay for every month that has passed this year. Of course, today there is only January left, but, nevertheless, this is a cool breakthrough.

When you select January, you first see the total number of minutes you listened to Apple Music that month, as well as floating album art and artist images. Scroll down and you’ll find the top five artists for the month, along with the total number of minutes you listened to each.

Next up are your top five songs and top five albums of the month. You’ll see how many times you played each song and how many minutes you listened to each album. This annoys me about Apple Music because the app tracks album plays by minutes rather than total plays. This means that one listen to a long album can put it at the top of your list, even if you’ve listened more to other shorter albums. For example, I listened to 82 minutes of The Lamb’s album as Effigy and didn’t finish it (it’s 96 minutes long), and it came in fourth on my list of best albums.

Credit: Jake Peterson

Apple also displays your milestones, which you earn every time you listen to enough music of a certain category. For example, I received a milestone for listening to at least 250 artists in January and at least 500 songs. Apple will show you two milestones if you’ve earned them, but you can select View All Milestones to see them all.

Personally, I’m very pleased with this feature. I like Apple Music Replay and I like to check my overall stats every month. Knowing that we’ll have a full replay once a month makes the game even more fun. Of course, Apple Music still updates your Replay playlist weekly based on the songs you listen to the most.

The main thing holding Apple Music Replay back right now is the fact that you have to view it in a browser. Once Apple figures out how to launch this feature directly into your music app, it will finally become a full-fledged Spotify Wrapped competitor.


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