The Correct Way to Clean a Curling Iron

I firmly believe that half the fun of going out is the preparation, and my broken old curling iron is a testament to how many hours I spent in front of the mirror. Cleaning a curling iron is, of course, less exciting, but necessary. Hairspray, heat protectant, leave-in conditioner, volumizing spray, mousse, oil—all of these are baked onto a hot surface, be it titanium iron, ceramic, or tourmaline. Over time, this can make the device less effective and your hair may become even dirtier after use. But hair tools are delicate, so you can’t just clean them the old fashioned way and hope for the best.

Wipe your curling iron first

Before you do anything else, wipe your curling iron with a damp cloth. Since it is electric, never immerse it in water and always clean it only when unplugged. Pay attention to the handles (which are probably also sticky from mousse and other products) and hinges. The next time you’re in a hurry to get ready, you won’t need any faulty buttons or hinges.

Plain water should remove film and other residue, leaving behind a seriously scorched mess.

Use baking soda

Over the years, I have tried many ways to clean my curling iron. Depending on what it’s made of, you run the risk of damaging the surface if you use anything too abrasive or harsh. I have found that baking soda is a great option for any type of hair tool.

To demonstrate, I pulled out my personal Old Faithful: a three-barrel iron I was given as a gift in 10th grade. I’ve had this thing for over half my life and I’ll never get rid of it, even though it’s worn out and overheating to the point where every use now results in a dirty film. It’s particularly messy and I knew it would illustrate the method well.

Look how I stabbed my boy. Credit: Lindsay Ellefson

First I rubbed the barrels with a little vinegar, just enough to make them damp. I then placed it in the sink and poured the baking soda on top of the vinegar, stirring to form a paste. Then I left it alone for 10 minutes. When the time was up, I cleaned it with an old toothbrush. Slowly but surely the film has started to come off, but in some cases you will have to repeat the process several times to actually remove it. I ended up doing this all three times. Keep in mind also that you really need to clean up. Light cleaning won’t help. Remember: the food is fried there.

Device after two rounds with baking soda and vinegar. Credit: Lindsay Ellefson

Use nail polish remover as the last step.

Many people swear by using acetone for the entire cleaning process, but this makes me a little nervous; I don’t want harsh chemicals all over my curling iron to sit for that long. Instead, I use it as a last step to get rid of marks and dirt left behind by the baking soda scrub.

Couldn’t be better for a 2008 artifact. Photo: Lindsay Ellefson.

I applied some to a sponge and rubbed it over the barrels. One touch is all it takes to loosen anything stuck there, so no need to stress. Once your device is clean, wipe it again with a damp cloth to remove any baking soda, vinegar, or nail polish remover. Then let it air dry completely before putting it back into storage or using it.


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