When to Buy Tools Individually (and When to Buy a Set)

When you’re starting a new home improvement project or are new to DIY in general, chances are you’ll need to buy at least a few tools. In most cases, you will be able to purchase the tools you need individually or as part of a multi-piece set. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages, so I asked two home improvement experts what people should consider when storing their toolbox.

When to buy tools separately

It makes sense to buy tools separately if:

This is for a specific project

Specialized tools with limited uses usually make sense to purchase individually, says Brett Labeka, a building maintenance expert at Frontdoor , an app that works like telemedicine for home improvement, helping people with home repair and maintenance issues. “Choose specific tools for individual needs, such as a specific type of screwdriver for electronics or a unique saw for woodworking.”

You don’t want to compromise on quality

By purchasing tools one at a time, you can choose the best in each category, says Drew Mansour, co-founder and director of TileCloud . “This usually means they will last longer and perform better.”

Do you need a custom collection?

Purchasing tools individually allows you to gradually build a custom set of tools “that reflects your personal preferences and ergonomic needs,” Labeck says.

You have little storage space

Not everyone has a garage, basement or storage shed. “You can avoid cluttering your space with tools you’ll never use [by] keeping a selection of tools specific to what you need,” says Mansour.

Your budget is limited

Tools in large multi-piece sets may cost less per piece than tools purchased individually, but these sets also require a larger initial investment. “Focus your budget on tools you’ll use frequently, avoiding spending on unnecessary items,” says Labeka.

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While purchasing individual tools as needed may be your only option if you’re short on cash, the costs of purchasing them this way will add up over time. This also applies to those who skip multi-piece sets to purchase the highest quality versions of each instrument, both Mansour and Labeka note.

When to buy tools in a set

Purchasing tools as a set makes sense if:

You’re starting from scratch

If you need even the simplest tools, the best option is to start with a kit. “If you have a variety of jobs to do and need a lot of different tools, purchasing a set can save you some money and hassle,” says Mansour. Will every instrument be of the highest quality? Probably no. But in most cases they are suitable for non-professional use.

You want to get the most bang for your buck

If you can afford the initial cost of a multi-piece tool kit, it will usually save you money in the long run. “Kits are usually cheaper than buying everything individually,” says Mansour.


Tools in sets consisting of several items do not differ in their quality. “Some off-the-shelf kits may include lower quality tools to keep costs down,” says Labeka. And while the cost per tool is usually lower than buying the tools individually, this math only makes sense if you divide the price of the set by the number of tools in it that you actually need.


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