How to Replace Light Bulbs in a Car

The convenience and ease of apps like Google Maps, Apple Maps and Waze, as well as GPS devices and built-in navigation systems, have made the once ubiquitous folding paper maps largely a relic of the past. Most people no longer need a car map light to read a road atlas after dark, but it can be useful in a number of other nighttime situations, as can a dome light. But like other light bulbs, the ones inside the card and dome don’t last forever.

How to replace a light bulb in a car

When I was growing up, household chores included regular tasks—like cleaning, taking out the trash, and helping to prepare meals—as well as yard work and basic car maintenance. Before I turned 15 and started getting my license, my duties were simple, mostly limited to washing and detailing, checking and adding windshield washer fluid, and changing interior light bulbs.

It’s been a while since I last changed a bulb in a map or dome light, so I asked John Lim, mechanic and owner of JB Motor Works , to take me through the steps. Before we begin, it’s important to note that these are general instructions and may not necessarily apply to every vehicle. Additionally, some cars now come equipped with LED bulbs, which are unlikely to burn out as long as you own the car. As always, when in doubt, consult your owner’s manual to find out what you’re working with and what replacement bulb you should buy.

Turn off the car

“Always start with your car turned off and the keys out of the ignition,” Lim tells me. “This is critical to prevent short circuits or potential electrical shock.”

Remove the lens cap

According to Lim, the lens caps on map and dome lights tend to break off, although at first glance they may not seem like they do because they are held firmly in place to prevent rattling while driving. “Use a flathead screwdriver or tool to remove the trim, but wrap it in a thin cloth first,” he explains. “This prevents any damage to the surrounding finish or the lens itself.”

Carefully insert the tool into the edge of the lens cap and pry it up with a little force.

Remove the old light bulb

Chances are good that the old light bulb is held in place by a clip or screwed into the socket. “For the clamp, you can carefully pull the light bulb out,” says Lim. “If it’s in the socket, turning it counterclockwise should release it.” In any case, he recommends using a cloth or gloves when removing the bulb to prevent potential injury if the bulb breaks.

Install a new light bulb

Double check your replacement bulb to make sure it fits your vehicle. Then, using a rag or gloves, insert the light bulb into the empty clip; if it is a socket, turn it clockwise to secure it. In addition to protecting your hands in case the light bulb breaks while installing it, Lim recommends using a cloth or gloves to avoid touching the light bulb with bare fingers, as “oils can shorten its lifespan.”

Check the light bulb

Before replacing the lens cap, it’s important to test the new bulb, Lim says. “Turn on the car and turn on the lights,” he says. “If it doesn’t turn on, double check the position of the bulb and make sure it’s seated properly in the socket or clip.”

Replace the lens cap

Once you are sure the new lamp is working, you can replace the lens cap. “Align it with the body and press gently until it clicks into place,” says Lim.


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