Read These Safety Tips Before Riding Your New E-Bike.

It’s estimated that a million e-bikes will be sold in the US in 2023 , and the holidays have undoubtedly brought an army of new riders into the fold. If this is you, congratulations on your new trip and hobby! But please read this before you ride off into the sunset. E-bikes are faster and heavier than regular bikes, making them more dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. The following tips will reduce your chances of breaking a stupid neck on your next trip.

If you didn’t get an e-bike for Christmas this year, show Santa that you can take care of yourself by purchasing one of these awesome e-bikes.

Products offered

Aventon Pace 500.3 e-bike

Five Ten Freerider DLX Mountain Bike Shoes

CXWXC Road/Mountain Bike Pedals

AstroAI Portable Air Compressor Pump for Tire Inflator

Before you go on your first trip

Read the manual

Don’t take your first cruise around the area until you’ve read the manual. Most ebike controls are easy to understand, but some have unusual features and it’s best to learn about them before you hit the road.

Wear a helmet

The benefits of wearing a helmet in preventing serious head injuries during bicycle accidents are obvious, but it’s even more important to protect your brain if you’re riding an unfamiliar motorized vehicle. Every helmet is different, so make sure yours is durable, comfortable and fits correctly. While any helmet is better than no helmet, the best solution is a helmet designed for e-bike riding at higher speeds.

Wear the right shoes

When it comes to safety, your shoes aren’t as important as your helmet, but they still matter. You can pick up a pair of stiff-soled shoes specifically designed for cycling, but for everyday riding you can get by with a pair of tennis shoes as long as they fit snugly enough to keep you on your feet without wearing anything out. that wraps around the pedals or chain – watch the laces. Never ride barefoot, flip-flops or sandals. If you’re more serious, a decent pair of mountain bike shoes and some good pedals will keep your feet in place while you ride.

Wear bright clothes

Wear brightly colored clothing to remain as visible as possible to drivers and other bikers. Make sure nothing you wear can get caught in the pedals or chain. Bike shorts aren’t necessary, but they help keep your butt from getting sore.

Install mirror

I admit that I hate bicycle mirrors, but I recognize the wisdom of not having to take your eyes off the road to look behind you.

Check your trip

Before you set off, check the following on your bike:

  1. Tire pressure : Read the manual for the correct PSI and inflate it. A decent pump with a pressure gauge is a must.

  2. Battery stability : Many e-bikes have removable batteries. Make sure they are installed correctly and click into place.

  3. Nuts and Bolts : Before you ride your new bike, make sure everything is securely fastened. This is especially important if you bought it from a chain store where it was likely assembled by someone with no specialized knowledge about bicycles, but check even if your new bike was purchased from a bike shop or arrived already assembled. You never know. Make sure the handlebars are secure, the brakes are installed correctly, the pedals are fully tightened, and the saddle is at the correct height.

  4. Check your brakes: Roll your bike forward and squeeze each brake lever to make sure it’s in the right position.

  5. Check the front wheel: Most bikes have easy-to-remove front wheels – this is helpful, but they may look fine at first glance even if they are not installed correctly. So go in there and take a good look at it and make sure the clamp is tight enough while you’re at it.

  6. Drop Test: If your new car is fine, do another test by raising it about six inches off the ground and dropping it. There should be no alarming knocks or knocks, nothing should be loose.

Visit your local bike shop for an inspection.

If you have any doubts about the assembly of your new bike (or your own ability to determine whether your bike is assembled correctly), take it to your local bike shop and have them look at it.

Find and use the speed limiter

It’s not usually advertised, but most e-bikes allow users to change the maximum speed to set their own speed limit. Until you know what you’re doing, it makes sense to take it down a notch. Changing the speed limit on some e-bikes can be done in 30 seconds using an iPhone app, but for some bikes this is quite a complex operation, so instructions can be found in the manual or on the manufacturer’s website.

Plan your route

Before you go on your first trip, plan where you are going. Keep it on bike paths or roads with very few cars until you know what you’re doing. Don’t be like me on my first e-bike ride and end up having to turn left at a busy Los Angeles five-way intersection on a bike I can barely control. Also: Make the route longer than you think: Riding an e-bike is silly fun, and you’ll probably end up going further than you intended.

Tips for staying safe on your first e-bike ride

Now that you’ve done your pre-trip inspection and planned your route, here are a few things to keep in mind while on the road.

Practice in the parking lot

Before you hit the road or bike path for your first e-bike ride, practice in an empty parking lot or other open, quiet area. Riding an electric bike takes a little time to get used to, so start with no obstacles, make a few turns, test the brakes and play around until you feel ready to hit the bike path.

Press it without force

Whenever I ride a new bike, I pedal a little unassisted to get a feel for the weight and handling without the extra torque. I then gradually work through the assist and gear levels to get an idea of ​​how it will perform on the road.

Respect gas

If your new e-bike has a throttle, don’t use it until you feel comfortable using the pedal. And when you do, take it gradually. Throttles can cause a power “jump” that can cause alarm and lead to an accident.

Start slow

Once on the bike path, start slowly; Increase your speed only when you feel confident and comfortable. Part of what makes e-bikes uniquely dangerous is that riders don’t have to “earn” their speed. If you’re going 28 mph on a regular bike, it’s because you’ve ridden a ton and successfully controlled yourself at lower speeds first (or made a bad decision at the top of a hill). E-bikes do not require such training. A Class 3 e-bike can effortlessly reach speeds of 28 mph, but an unprepared rider riding at nearly 30 mph without proper respect for their speed is a recipe for disaster.

Watch your weight

E-bikes are much heavier than analog bikes. This not only makes them more difficult to mount and dismount, but also increases momentum and changes the way they are controlled. Keep this in mind and don’t take risks and try to ride your new heavy bike like an Italian road bike.

Remember the brakes

Because e-bikes are heavier and faster than analog bikes, almost all of them require disc brakes. They are far superior to the calipers or coaster brakes of older bikes, but they take a little getting used to. Remember to brake earlier than you would on a non-electric bike to increase your stopping time.

Stay off the sidewalks

Most new bikers are wary of riding on the street—after all, that’s where the cars are—but riding on the sidewalk is almost always the riskier option, even though it may seem safer. The sidewalks are narrow and filled with obstacles. They are likely to be uneven, there is no set traffic pattern and no one expects you to be there. On the streets, on the other hand, there are rules. There are cars there, of course, but if bikers and drivers follow the rules, no one will get hurt.

Know your local bicycle laws

If you plan to ride on congested streets, check your local laws and regulations regarding cycling. In most places, e-bikes are subject to the same rules as pedal bikes, but not in all places.


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