Easiest Way to Hide IPhone Notifications While Screen Recording

It is so annoying when unwanted notifications interrupt your iPhone screen recording. This is a sure sign that the clip you’re watching online was simply ripped off someone’s iPhone and isn’t actually a video file. While the notifications may be innocent, they can be personal and you’re better off keeping that to yourself.

For most, the solution is to simply swipe away the notification as quickly as possible. But if you really want notifications to disappear, you can turn on Do Not Disturb or Focus mode before you start recording and turn it off once you’re done. (Assuming you’re set to block notifications at all times, and not just when your iPhone is locked.)

But there’s no reason to switch focus yourself every time you want to record your screen. After all, there is a chance that you will forget to turn it off later and miss calls and messages. The best way is to completely automate this process so that every time you record your screen, your notifications will mute in the background.

Automatically hide notifications while recording screen on your iPhone

If you want to hide unwanted alerts while recording on your iPhone, go to Settings > Focus > Do Not Disturb (or other focus) > Add a Schedule > Smart Wake and turn on Smart Wake .

If you didn’t know this feature could be used this way, you’re not alone. When you read this settings page, you’ll notice that it doesn’t mention the option to dismiss alerts when activated. All it says is this: “Automatically turn on focus at specific times throughout the day based on signals like your location, app usage, and more.”

However, Mastodon user Jason Walk discovered that screen recordings trigger the Smart Activation feature. This means that when you start recording your iPhone’s screen, this Focus will automatically activate and, as a result, turn off notifications.

If this feature is enabled, you won’t have to remember to turn on Do Not Disturb mode before recording your iPhone’s screen, and you won’t have to manually turn it off after you finish recording. Your iPhone will take care of this for you.


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