These Web Eggs Are Unusual and May Come in Handy

As Halloween approaches with frantic last-minute wig shopping and candy binging, you may find yourself overtired and undernourished. You need real food, but the scary times don’t have to stop. Get some of your creepy energy back with these unnerving spider web eggs.

I first noticed this trick on Martha Stewart’s website . For a woman who has built an empire out of prim and proper, she sure knows how to make fancy things for Halloween. This spider weaving technique looks convincing and you don’t need any artistic skills to make this useful Halloween egg. You just need to know how to properly spank something with a wooden spoon.

How to make spider web eggs

1. Boil eggs

Hard boil or steam as many eggs as you like. I made four, but you can of course increase this number, especially if you want to make multiple colors.

2. Tap them with a spoon.

When the eggs are ready and cool enough, dry them with a towel. Place them on the same towel or a fresh paper towel and use a spoon. Stabilize the egg with your non-dominant hand, holding it to the side to avoid catching your fingers. With your other hand, use the back of a spoon to hit the egg in one spot.

It may take a few tries to figure out exactly how much force you should apply, but start with an average amount and adjust as needed. The resulting crack should appear in the form of a web. Gently tap the same area several times if you want the cracks to be more distinct. The dye should be able to bleed through.

3. Paint them

Martha Stewart’s website recommends using blueberries to make charcoal coloring, but you can use any food coloring, just like you would color Easter eggs. Fill a measuring cup with freshly boiled water. Add 10-20 drops of food coloring to create a rich color (I used red) and add 2 teaspoons of vinegar.

To make blueberry dye, simmer 1 cup fresh blueberries in a small saucepan with 2 tablespoons water until the berries burst. Frozen berries will also work. While they are cooking, bring a glass of water to a boil. Pour the berries and juice into a measuring cup and add a cup of just-boiled water. There is no need to add acid, since the berries are already sour and color well on their own.

Leave the eggs submerged in the dye for 20-25 minutes. With both the red artificial dye and the natural blueberry dye, I noticed that the pigment was colored after 10 minutes, but the lines looked better and much darker after about 20 minutes.

4. Carefully peel the eggs.

Peel the eggs, but try to keep the membrane intact. In my tests, the web pattern looked perfect on the edible membrane between the shell and the egg white. If you peel it off you can still see the pattern, but it’s pretty blurry and honestly not that cute.

Enjoy these Spooky Spider Web Eggs with Mommy Fingers from the Air Fryer for a complete breakfast worthy of the Prince of Darkness. Trust me, after a night of cocktails at the cauldron, you’ll be grateful you did this.


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