You Should Wet the Scoop Before Using It.

While most of us reach for the vacuum cleaner when we need to clean up spilled liquid from the floor, there are still times when it makes sense to bring a dustpan and brush with us. Whether your vacuum cleaner battery needs to be recharged or it takes less effort to use a dustpan for small messes, it’s good to have one on hand.

Unfortunately, if you’re sweeping something light, it can be difficult to keep everything in the dustpan, especially if a window is open, a fan or other source of blowing air is on. But, fortunately, there is a way to prevent this. Here’s what you need to know.

Wet scoop before use

To keep dust, hair (human and/or pet), bits of paper, lint, and anything else you’ve swept in place, give the dustpan a quick wash in the sink (or bath) before you get to work.

You don’t actually need to fill the dustpan with water: in fact, just run it under the faucet for a few seconds before you start sweeping. It’s incredibly simple, but it works.

If you don’t quite understand why this might matter, let Taryn Williford of Apartment Therapy explain:

You know when you get out of the shower and dry off, but your feet are still a little damp and you walk around, and they are like magnets attracting all the debris (hair, dust, dirt) on your floor? Wetting the shovel before sweeping works in the same way, but only where you want it.

It should be noted that this method includes one more small extra step at the end: after you throw the contents of the dustpan into the bin and tap it a few times to remove as much debris as possible, you may have to give the dustpan another one rinse to get rid of residue. You can also wipe it off with a paper towel or rag. In any case, you will put it away clean and ready to use again.


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