Worth Checking Out the Big Vitamix Sale on Amazon Prime

Vitamix blenders are an “investment” where you give all your money to Vitamix and then get a return on your investment in the form of crushed ice, super smooth soups and perfectly blended drinks. (Some may say it’s not a “real investment,” and they’re probably right: I’m bad with money.)

I don’t have a Vitamix blender because I’m a money-poor writer, but I used a blender that belonged to a rich man and, damn it, I was impressed.

If you’re looking for a powerful, luxurious blender, you can pick it up during the Vitamix Summer Sale, which runs most of Amazon Prime Month (July 7-30).

The best deals on Vitamix blenders

These two blenders are selling for over 20% off, which is significant considering these blenders typically sell for over $500.

Decent discounts on Vitamix blenders

These trades are not as deep as the ones above, but still pretty good (between 15 and 20%). There’s even a deal for an immersion blender, making it the first Vitamix I could buy without selling my plasma.

If you’re a big smoothie lover or love a delicious creamy soup, consider trying one of these beauties. It might not be a real investment, but you probably already have a few of these. (I’m assuming that anyone who can afford top-notch home appliances is good with money, with many portfolios containing various stocks and bonds.)


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