7 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Make From a Kit

As children, we learn pretty quickly how fun it is to build different things. Whether it’s a Lego bucket , a replica model, or just a pillow fort, building something out of a lot of parts is what scientists call an explosion . But then you grow up, and while some continue to build models from kits into adulthood, one of the sad things about being an adult (besides being poor, spending on healthcare, and suddenly realizing that your diet of candy and stress isn’t leading to a long life ) is in that we often no longer find it a miracle to build things from sets.

Except you’ll be surprised how many things are actually included in the package. Building things from a kit is generally cheaper than buying ready-made, and you can learn a lot more about what you’re buying in the process. Here are seven things you might be surprised to know that you can mail order and build yourself.

You can build a house from a kit (but be careful)

Yes, you can order whole house delivery to you. It will arrive as a pre-cut frame and other materials flat packed and delivered to you for you to open and assemble. You can even order them from your local Home Depot store . These are basically what could be defined as “tiny houses”, usually well under 1,000 square feet of interior space when completed, but they can still be fully functioning homes if you take the time to install plumbing and electrical. The cost varies – you can buy tiny home kits for less than $5,000 or spend over $50,000 to get a little prettier.

Keep in mind, however, that these sets are not magical . You will need to prepare a construction site with a slab foundation; you will need to get permits and make sure your home is legal; you will have to deal with engineering communications and sewerage; and you usually have to buy and install your own insulation and trim. However, even if you hire a contractor to do it all for you, building a home from a kit can be an affordable option and you can learn a lot along the way.

You can build a road car from a kit

Did you know that a road car can be assembled from a kit? While some of these kits require a professional garage to assemble, many car kits can be assembled in your own garage if you have a good set of automotive tools and enough time – assembly can take several hundred hours. one person to build one of these cars.

Or you can buy a kit to build the smallest Peel P50 street car. For about $13,000 you can build a very,very small car that can be legally driven. It takes about 50 hours even if you are not the most experienced car mechanic in the world. And if $13,000 is too much for you, you can find under $10,000 car kits that offer a lot of cars for that money. Of course, just because a car is legal to drive doesn’t mean these kit cars will be as durable or as useful as commercial vehicles, but what they lack in practical use, they make up for in fun.

You can build an amazing computer from a kit

People built their own personal computers from the very beginning – in fact, most of the first PCs had to be assembled from parts, because the industry did not exist yet. Today, you can buy a fully functional PC for just a few hundred dollars (or splurge on something more expensive), but there are still good reasons to build your own PC, starting with choosing the best components (as opposed to the off-the-shelf parts you get on a budget PC). PC) to learn how to assemble, maintain and repair a computer.

But if you’ve never built a PC before, the process can be intimidating, so trying to build a complete PC for the first time is a great way to get your feet wet. For example, PC Crate will sell you a kit that includes all the necessary components, instructions, and tools to build your own PC at home. There are a few limited options in terms of the components you choose, but they are guaranteed to work well together, and you can even buy insurance in case you screw things up. And if everything is put together correctly, there shouldn’t be any difference in performance between your home brewing setup and the one you bought from the store – in fact, it will probably be better.

You can build an amazingly wide range of guitars.

If you have ever dreamed of becoming a violinist, this is your chance. You can buy a surprisingly wide range of guitar kits that include all the parts of a quality guitar and instructions for building them. As long as you don’t sculpt and finish the body or neck, you will learn how the most common guitars are built, which will eventually allow you to create your own guitars from different parts, like Eddie Van Halen, and give you the opportunity to maintain and repair your instruments.

You can assemble a robot from a set

If you need an oil transfer robot , you don’t have to wait for the future – you can get a robot kit in the mail and unleash your inner mad scientist. Whether you want a robotic car, a hand, a robot dog, or a tiny humanoid that will make you feel like a god , you can order a kit that gives you everything you need to create your own metal minion. After that, you need to program and make it work, and that’s where the real creative fun begins.

From the set you can assemble a bicycle

Like building a complete car, building your own bike provides flexibility as you can choose every part. But if you’ve never built a bike before and don’t know where to start, a bike kit is a great way to learn all about the parts that make up a bike and how they fit together. However, most of these kits assume you bought the frame separately, and some don’t include everything you need (such as a brake system as some of these kits are for race bikes that don’t use brakes), so you’ll need to pay attention to what you get in your kit before you commit.

You can customize the gun from the set

The legality of this is unclear , but in some states you can order a gun kit that comes with everything but the body of the gun, which is technically the part the law considers a firearm (everything else is just parts). This means you can’t just order a complete gun as a kit, but if you already own a gun or frame, you can order any number of kits to customize and modify your gun.

Building things from a kit is a great middle ground between investing money in something and building everything from scratch. You can usually save some money, learn a lot about how things are made, and have a lot more creative control over the final product. All you need is your time and patience.


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