Your Luggage Is Probably Dirty

When was the last time you cleaned your luggage? No, don’t use the vacuum nozzle to suck up dirt, crumbs and grime that’s built up inside your suitcase over the years, although you should, too. We are talking about cleaning or at least wiping the outside.

If it’s been a long time, you’re not alone. In a 2023 survey of 1,000 British and American travelers, nearly a fifth (18.7%) of respondents said they never cleaned their luggage, and 28% said they only clean their luggage if it looks dirty. The good news is that no matter how long ago it was, you can start right now. Here’s how to clear your luggage.

How to clean luggage

There are no hard and fast rules on how often you should clean your luggage, but it’s a good idea to at least give it a quick wipe down after every ride. Here are a few different cleaning methods:

Quick Disinfectant Wipe

Use a disinfectant wipe or an alcohol wipe to clean the handles and handles of your luggage, as well as any zippers: basically the places you touch most often. Next, wipe the wheels and the bottom of the suitcase, then take care of the rest.

Some airports now (still?) have disinfectant wipe dispensers in terminals, so use those if you can. This is the perfect way to pass the time while waiting for a delayed flight.

Deep (e) house cleaning

Keep in mind that luggage wears out almost every time it is used, and you can never make it look the way it did when you first took it out of the box. However, visible improvements can be made.

It’s always best to check the care instructions that came with your luggage, but if they’re long gone, try the following methods:

hard luggage

First, use an alcohol pad, sponge, or microfiber cloth soaked in a solution of warm water and dishwashing detergent to wipe it down. If you need something stronger , dilute a little non-abrasive all-purpose cleaner with water and apply it with a rag or sponge. Then use a clean rag dampened with clean water to rinse the suitcase.

Let it air dry somewhere without direct sunlight. For extra protection , polish your floor with a wax-based furniture polish.

Padded luggage

First, use an alcohol pad, sponge, or microfiber cloth soaked in a solution of warm water and dishwashing detergent to wipe it down. If it still looks dirty, prepare a solution of one part white vinegar to two parts warm water and apply it to the suitcase with a rag or sponge. Use an old toothbrush soaked in the solution to remove stubborn stains.

You can also remove stains by making a paste of baking soda and water and gently rubbing it into the affected area. Let the paste soak into the stain for a few minutes, then wipe it off with a clean, damp cloth.

When you’re done cleaning, let the suitcase air dry out of direct sunlight.


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