This Old Bundt Pan Makes the Perfect Tabletop Flowerpot.

Bundt baking pans have many uses beyond baking cakes, from being used as a roaster to being used as a vessel for baking bread or lasagne . But even after the Bundt pot has outlived its usefulness for these traditional and semi-traditional uses, the old one can still be repurposed—say, as the Byrd Nest Studio blog suggests, as a flower pot that can serve as a centerpiece for a patio table by wrapping around the opening. in the middle where you stick your umbrella.

To turn your old Bundt pallet into a planter, you need to drill holes in the bottom to allow drainage and fill it with potting soil. Given the combination of power tools and dirt, I thought this would be the perfect activity for my four year old, whose love of mess is only overshadowed by his interest in power tools.

To make the planter, we took a drill and drilled eight small holes in the bottom of the Bundt bar, spaced evenly. This is easy enough in theory, assuming you don’t have to allow for the enthusiastic “help” of a toddler, but given the ridges on the Bundt pan, drainage can be a problem, so make sure you add enough holes to prevent water from pooling. (I make one small hole in each comb.)

If you want to use the cake pan as a patio planter, you may need to use a drill to widen the center hole so it’s large enough to fit around the umbrella stem, then sand the edges. (I ended up leaving mine as is.) Once we had drilled enough holes, we filled a Bundt tray with potting soil and planted a few flowers bought from a plant shop. My standard 12 cup Bundt pot was large enough to hold two separate flower plants.

As you can imagine, my kid really liked the combination of power tools and dirt, and the end result was a pretty cool flower pot.


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