10 Essential Rubbing Rubbing Uses That Don’t… Rubbing

There are things in this world that are simply mind-blowingly useful. Hairpins? Extremely helpful . food spray? You are definitely not getting the most out of this . Sticky film ? How can you not use it? Pool noodles? So many problems can be solved with their help.

Add to the pantheon of incredibly useful things that you thought had only one simple use, the humble bottle of rubbing alcohol you stashed under your sink. Isopropyl alcohol was first synthesized way back in 1920 , and in the next century and a half, most of us use it as a fast-acting antiseptic or solvent. And while that alone makes rubbing alcohol quite useful, there is a long list of other uses for which you could and, frankly, should use this stuff.

However, a few quick caveats, because some people see the word “alcohol” and think it’s perfectly safe – it’s not. If you use it with a bit of common sense, you’re good to go. Needless to say, you can’t drink rubbing alcohol – this thing will definitely kill you . It’s also dangerous to get too much of it on your skin – a small amount as an astringent, antiseptic, or cleanser will do, but if your skin absorbs too much of it, it can be quite toxic. It is also highly flammable, so keep it away from open flames. Oh, and it will release poisonous gas if mixed with bleach, so don’t do that.

After the lecture on safety, here are all the ways you can use rubbing alcohol to make your life better.


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