20 Best Boxing Movies of All Time

Creed returns: The franchise within a franchise that not only revitalized the Rocky brand but also breathed new life into sports as a genre of film returns with a second sequel, this time directed by star and newcomer director Michael B. Jordan. Preliminary word is promising and it looks like we’re in for another tough but uplifting entry into the ring .

KRID III | Final trailer

Boxing films are generally similar to sports films, but throughout their history, the real-life version has tended to appeal to both bona fide athletes and members of America’s less privileged classes. With its sweaty, brutal, and less-than-glamorous vibe, boxing has attracted plucky upstarts along with more down-to-earth elements (the stories of the American mafia and boxing aren’t all that far apart, for example). This complexity, although not always reflected in the films, has inspired thoughtful and deeply ambiguous tales about the cost of fame and fortune, as well as providing ample space for the punching moments that are the lifeblood of great sports films . Here are 20 great films that explore the many facets of America’s other national entertainment.


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