Do Not Feed Your Baby This Recalled Enfamil Formula

Reckitt, one of the major US infant formula manufacturers, has announced a voluntary recall of two batches of its infant formula due to the potential for cross-contamination with the potentially dangerous bacteria Cronobacter sakazakii . The company says it is recalling its Enfamil ProSobee Simply Plant-Based infant formula “out of precaution.”

The company’s recall states that it has tested the product and found it to be free of contaminants and has received no reports of adverse consumer reactions to date; it also states that material from a third party was the root cause of the bacterium and he no longer receives that material from the supplier.

Which Enfamil formula is responding?

The recall affects 145,000 12.9-ounce cans that were produced between August 2022 and September 2022 and distributed through retailers nationwide in the United States, Guam, and Puerto Rico. Cans have the following lot numbers on the bottom of the can : ZL2HZF and ZL2HZZ. Their UPC code is 300871214415. Their “use date” is March 1, 2024 . Here is the product image .

Cronobacter bacteria can cause severe, life-threatening infections or meningitis, according to the recall. Symptoms of sepsis and meningitis can include poor nutrition, irritability, temperature fluctuations, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes), wheezing, and abnormal movements. The infection can cause damage to the intestines and can spread through the blood to other parts of the body.

What to do if you have a retracted formula

The recall recommends that you dispose of or return the formula to the place of purchase for a full refund. If you have any questions, you can check with your pediatrician or contact the company at 1-800-479-0551 24/7 or email with any questions.


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