“Yellowstone” and 9 More Super Popular Shows That the Coastal Elite Have Never Heard Of

There are two Americas (well, at least): elite east and west coast enclaves with avocado toast, overpriced yoga pants, and artisanal sex toys; and a mid-American barbeque center, a cattle and rabbit ranch the size of your head. Not surprisingly, the two Americas have very different viewing habits: the elite miss out on a lot of great and/or passable shows because they’re too busy fermenting edamame. It’s an attempt to bridge the gap between the country’s three billion corn farmers and Instagram influencers on the coast.

Now about the methodology: demography is not an exact science, and different publications report ratings differently or do not publish them at all. Coastal elites have been found to watch these shows not by ratings data, but by popular topics on Twitter, latte-based conversations with literally a few coastal elites (mostly New Yorkers), and a single survey question like, “Hi! …have you ever heard of it? Science is not easy, but the truth is worth the effort.


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