25 Fake Fan Trailers That Are Better Than Real Movies

When it comes to marketing, the multi-billion dollar budgets of almost every theatrical release over the last decade or so leave little room for experimentation and often for entertainment. There are still great, exciting trailers made for Hollywood movies, but there’s also a monotony that creeps in, and upcoming rides often look like they were made to the same safe, time-tested, but boring template.

As fan culture has overtaken the box office, the real fans on earth are the ones who have done the lord’s job of reimagining popular franchises in new and interesting ways. We’ll probably never see a real big-budget Rob Zombie-directed doll movie, a cute indie Mario Bros. movie, or a superhero team from the 70s and 80s, but we’re encouraged to introduce these concepts through some very smart fans and filmmakers, who may have too much free time (bless them).

Many of the following fan-made trailers are better (and much more labor-intensive) than the actual trailers you might see on the big screen. Just as often, I prefer to see a fake movie as imaginary than most of what actually hits the big screen.


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