Your Dating App Voice Prompt Sucks (and How to Improve It)

After a tweet with a joke and a screenshot of someone texting me on Hinge, I read a lot of complaints (mostly from men) that there are only two options when you contact someone on dating apps: be ignored or ridiculed . And with the ability to record a voice message to your profile, the option to “make fun” seems to be more and more common .

Voice prompts allow you to answer questions with your voice instead of just writing a text answer. Hinge hints are designed to provide a deeper insight into the personality of its users beyond biographies and photos. Done right, they can add a certain level of authenticity to a dating profile. Done wrong and they can lead to an instant swipe to the left.

Here’s how you can record a voice prompt that actually gets you on the first date, instead of the one that gets someone millions of likes at your expense.

The biggest mistakes with voice prompts

When Hinge launched the voice prompt feature last year, it was only a matter of time before people started going viral about being outrageous, hilarious, or downright creepy. And it’s true: many profiles have lame voice prompts.

This viral compilation of insipid voice prompts does a good job of revealing the biggest problem with voice prompts: minimal effort. In this viral video, one person takes the prompt “ Give me travel tips for… ” and then records them saying the word “Georgia.” What is the purpose of writing down this word instead of printing it out? It’s confusing.

Sidebar: The one-word answer “Georgia” is also not suitable as a text answer. There is no conversation start. You should say something like “Georgia, I’m new in town for work!” or “I’ve always wanted to visit Georgia, let me know which stops I can’t miss!” I’m just saying.

Everyone on the dating app is trying to attract each other, so let’s not waste each other’s time getting bored. Before hitting the record button, ask yourself: what value can your voice message add? Be careful. Here you have only one chance to make a first impression. Use the recording feature to show off your individuality, originality and charm – whatever that means to you.

Tips for Recording a Strong Voice Prompt on Hinge

Here are some tips and tricks for using the voice feature to your advantage.

  • Speak briefly and sweetly. The loop only allows you to record 30 seconds, but there is no need to use all that time. No need to finish the phrase ” so … yes … “. Get down to business and stop recording as soon as you’re done.
  • Overwrite if necessary. You don’t have to be a miracle in one take! I’ve always been amazed at how much dead air there is in people’s records. If you stumble over a word or lose your thread at any point, just start over and try again.
  • But don’t talk too fancy. Authenticity is one of the biggest benefits of voice prompts, so try to strike a balance between impromptu incoherence and Ted Talk speech.
  • Show your personality. Maybe you want to find someone who likes your Shrek experience. Or completely gets a reference to a little-known TV show. Get creative with what you want a potential partner to like about you.
  • Make it worthy of a voice prompt. Like the Georgia example above, you want your voice prompt to serve a larger purpose than just reading a one-word answer. Whatever is most charming about you, give people a sneak peek at it.

Recording your voice prompt

Many services have a voice recording feature, but Hinge seems to be the most popular. Open the app, then go to Settings > Edit Profile > Voice Guidance. You can record a voice note for any of the regular Hinge prompts (eg “give me travel tips for…” and “my favorite random fact…”). And remember: you can overwrite as many times as needed. Good luck there.


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