How to Make Going to the Beach Don’t Suck

Not everyone loves the sun. Not everyone loves sand. Not everyone loves to swim. A person has no shortage of ways to present himself as “not a beach person.” But maybe they’re just doing it wrong . A properly prepared beach is a great way to relax on a summer day and spend time in nature, even if you think it’s not for you.

Bring the right kind of bag

One day last summer, I took my backpack to the beach with me. I will forever remember this because the last time I had absolutely no sand in my backpack. All this to say, sand haters, I understand where you’re from. But my stupidity was that instead I didn’t choose a type of bag that couldn’t hold sand even if I tried , the classic mesh bag .

Instead of worrying about sand getting into every nook and cranny of your daily bag, treat yourself to one of these mesh bags for all your beach needs. Not only will sand seep in during your journey, they are also machine washable, making it easy to get rid of any pesky stragglers. It’s too late for my backpack, but it shouldn’t be too late for yours.

Take baby powder with you, even if you don’t have a baby

I don’t like sand as much as anyone, but I won’t let it stop me from having some fun in the sun. Especially now that I know about the baby powder trick . If you’re having trouble with some pesky grains, just add some baby powder to the equation to get rid of the grit. Baby powder absorbs any moisture, making it easy to shake off the sand. Pack it into your mesh beach bag now, then thank yourself for clean car mats later.

Try the stretched sheet trick

I thought avoiding the sand on the beach would be a stupid idea, but then I found out about this fitted sheet trick . Take an oversized regular stretch sheet, turn it inside out, and place heavy objects in each corner to act as a load. After installation, you will have a box for blankets at your disposal. It won’t get rid of the sand entirely , but it will add protection from wind-blown sand and sand kicked up by strangers passing by.

Hide your valuables more creatively

Nobody wants to be a jerk who has to stay with their valuables while the rest of their group is having a great time in the water. And now no one should be. If you’re worried about your wallet or phone being stolen, get one of these smart containers to visibly hide your valuables: One Chel of an Adventure makes fun in the form of water bottles, hairbrushes, and sunscreen bottles to throw away smell from any would-be thieves (assuming your particulate thief isn’t having a bad day).

Bring a balloon

Just don’t blow it up. The idea is that if your ears get clogged while swimming, you can use a balloon as a clearing method. The pressure you use to expand the balloon helps push air up the Eustachian tube. This will allow air to enter the middle of the ear, causing fluid to drain out. As long as you come prepared with this latex tool, you’ll never have a reason to read about everything you never thought you needed to know about adult ear infections.

Choose the cheapest sunglasses

As someone who lost an expensive pair of sunglasses in the ocean, trust me, your prettiest pair doesn’t belong here. There is no quicker way to ruin your day than fruitlessly searching the bottom of the ocean for your Ray Bans, because spoiler alert: the ocean is huge. You will never get them back. Avoid this situation altogether and bring cheap sunglasses to the beach that you don’t mind paying as tax to the ocean gods.

Respect the sun

Behind everyone who says they are “not beach lovers” is a story about a time when they got too much sun. But one big burn shouldn’t keep you offshore forever. The beach is a great time, as long as you remember to respect the sun. To do this, you need to write down the last time you applied sunscreen. This way you’ll be able to keep track of when you should reapply – set a reminder on your phone to be on the safe side. But just in case, you should still stock up on aloe; buying in advance will keep you from wandering the halls of CVS like a tomato. Finally, consider purchasing a sun lounger with a canopy as it is a quick and portable way to protect yourself from too much sun.

Remember you don’t have to go to the ocean

Sand people don’t have to be water people—there’s a straight line separating them. If you can’t swim or just don’t like swimming in a large body of water with innumerable other creatures (some of which have sharp teeth), you can still enjoy the view from afar . Put your umbrella on the sand, plop down in a chair, and enjoy a good book with sand between your toes. You have the sound of crashing waves to relax without worrying about what you will be thrown into them.


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