How to Get the Most Out of Every Drop of Gas Right Now

If you don’t own a car, haven’t driven in a while, or have a strong aversion to economic news (rightly so), you’ve probably noticed that gas prices are skyrocketing in the United States, hitting an all-time high national average. It was $4,252 on March 9, up from $3,656 a week earlier, according to AAA .

This jump is largely attributed to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, as well as already low oil production and rising demand. Some analysts believe that the cost to consumers could increase even more and stay that way for a while.

The most obvious thing to do to save on gas right now is to drive less: skip unnecessary trips, run multiple errands in the same area of ​​the city at once, and use public transportation or walk when possible.

Since it’s probably not realistic to stop driving completely, you’ll definitely want to find the cheapest gas available , but there are also several ways to maximize fuel economy and minimize gas stops.

Manage Smarter

One way to increase efficiency is to drive more conservatively. Avoid unnecessary and quick accelerations and decelerations by looking ahead at traffic lights and anticipating slowdowns. Aggressive stop-start patterns can cost you 15-30% fuel economy on highways and 10-40% in city traffic.

Likewise, keep your speed relatively constant: use cruise control where possible and aim for express crossings on toll roads. Fuel economy typically peaks around 50 mph, so try to stay close to that if speed limits and driving conditions permit. If you actually commute to the office, drive during off-peak hours, off-peak hours, to limit stop-and-go traffic, as long as your work schedule allows for that kind of flexibility.

When you stop, whether it’s passing through or waiting for a friend to join you in the car, turn off your engine rather than idling, which wastes fuel and degrades air quality. Waiting for your engine to warm up before you start driving can also waste fuel, as can repeated cold starts. Using temperature controls in hot weather can also affect fuel consumption. If it’s hot outside, park in the shade and try to minimize air conditioning use .

Keep your car in good condition

You probably already know that tire pressure affects gas mileage – under-inflated tires increase drag and reduce efficiency, which can lead to a 3 percent increase in your car’s fuel consumption. Check tire pressure at least once a month.

Regular maintenance is also good practice, as any malfunctioning features can potentially reduce fuel economy. Buying Top Tier gasoline and using the manufacturer ‘s recommended engine oil can also help you stretch that tank a few more miles.

Reduce the load

If you have roof racks or roof boxes that create drag, remove them when not in use. According to Consumer Reports tests , these add-ons can reduce fuel economy from 2 mpg to 13 mpg. Rear-mounted racks have an impact in the 1-5% range .

Remove cargo that you don’t need to carry, whether it’s sports gear, boxes of items waiting to be donated, or random clutter. Getting rid of even 100 pounds of junk can improve fuel economy by 1 percent .


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