How to Coat a Flat Roof (and Why It’s Necessary)

The need for roofs is universal. No matter where or how you live, it is vital to have a roof over your head to protect you from the elements and ensure you have a safe home. If you own your roof, or rather the house it adjoins, you know that it can be a source of worry despite the need. If you’ve ever been woken up in the middle of the night by the sound of a leak, you know the horror an aging roof can strike in people’s hearts.

Many homeowners make the mistake of thinking their roof is something they only have to worry about when it leaks. Your typical flat roof will last 15 to 30 years depending on the materials used, the climatic conditions it must be exposed to, and the amount of maintenance you perform. With proper care, a flat roof can last up to 50 years. If you want your roof to last as long as possible while reducing your costs and worries, there is one fairly simple thing you should consider: coating it.

Why paint the roof?

Your roof takes a lot of punishment. He bakes in the sun, gets wet in the rain and freezes in the snow. No matter what material your flat roof is made of, over time it will start to suffer from these extremes. You’ll start to see weirs (or areas where water isn’t draining properly), cracks, discoloration, and other signs that your roof is aging. In other words, your roof is like the “skin” of your home: it protects you but can be damaged by the elements.

Roofing is like sunscreen and moisturizer for your roof. Roofing provides several fundamental benefits:

  • It seals the roof, preventing any invisible water penetration that destroys the roofing material.
  • It reflects solar radiation, lowering the temperature in your home (and thus lowering your cooling bills)
  • Protects roofing material from sunlight.
  • This extends the life of your roof, so you’ll have to replace it less often.
  • Prevents leaks so repair costs are reduced

The good news about flat roof covering is that it’s fairly inexpensive. Generally, this is a project that any reasonable person can do on their own depending on the material used in your roofing system. If you’re good at painting, you can probably do your own flat roof sealing, but even if you have to hire someone, it’s not a very expensive job. Considering that covering your roof will absolutely prolong its life, this investment is well worth it.

Roofing 101

If you are now tempted to cover your roof and think you can do it yourself, your first step is to determine exactly what material your roof is made of. Not all flat roofs are the same and you should make sure you choose the right roofing for your roof. Old school built-up roofs (which have a gravel-like top layer) can be more difficult to cover because their top surface is not smooth.

Once you know the material you are coating , determine the compatible coating. This should be fairly easy to understand from the label or web listing. If you’re doing it yourself, look for a finish that can be applied with standard painting equipment such as brushes and rollers. Check if a primer is not recommended.

Before doing anything else, you need to clean and inspect your roof. Note: Safety first. Make sure your ladder is stable and easily reaches the roof, and consider using a seatbelt to save your butt if you slip and fall. Sweep away any dirt and scrape accumulated debris from corners and seams with a trowel. Check flashing and look for any cracks, gaps or other issues and flash as needed. Then you just need to apply primer and sealer according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and voila – you’ve just added years to your roof (and it probably looks a lot less shabby now too).

Pro tip: Don’t forget to literally corner yourself on the rooftop. No one will ever let you experience this.

If you want to sleep soundly during the next torrential downpour, covering your roof will help dispel the worry associated with a leak.


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