How to Use Retinol Without Peeling Your Face

When you decide to start taking care of your skin like a grown-up, what seems like nice self-care can quickly turn into an unbearable mess. In what order do you apply all this junk ? Which steps can be skipped and which are necessary? Why does everyone on the forums recommend retinol? Why are there so many face-washing forums?

Skin care enthusiasts love retinol. This is a Holy Grail product that can reduce fine lines, even out skin texture, and fade. All of these good effects are the result of the sheer power of retinoids, but that power can also be used for a little evil: Newbies often experience “retinol ugliness” or skin cleansing that results in big pimples, massive flaking, tons of redness, or a combination of all of these.

You can soften the blow as your skin adjusts and counteracts the deformity, but as with your new skincare routine, this will take more planning than you might think.

What is retinol and how to choose it?

Retinol is a retinoid that is best applied at night because it will make your skin very sensitive to the sun. (The last step of your morning skincare routine should always be a healthy SPF application!) Made from vitamin A, retinol penetrates your skin and neutralizes free radicals, ultimately firming your skin and eliminating fine lines and enlarged pores, which can also help. from acne. While retinol does not exfoliate or remove dead cells by itself, it does affect texture as well. It is suitable for all ages because it is useful for almost everyone, no matter what problem you are trying to fix.

One product that evens out skin tone, fights acne, and has anti-aging benefits may sound too good to be true, but it’s not. If you’re careful, this can be a great addition to your routine.

When you start shopping for retinol, you will notice that the percentages are listed on the front of each bottle. You will eventually need at least 0.25% retinol, but start small. Beginners should consider low strength retinol, so look for 0.01% to 0.03%. Paula’s Choice is a popular line starting in this range; some, like this one , are actually moisturizers that contain some retinol, while others can go as high as 1%. (My favorite is Glossier Universal Pro-Retinol , which blends pure retinol with sunflower seed fatty acids for a 0.5% retinol formulation.)

“Choose a concentration of less than 0.25%,” said Dr. Alexis Parcells , board certified plastic surgeon and founder of SUNNIE , a skin care and anti-aging therapy clinic, and Parcells Plastic Surgery . “Most OTC options are at this level. Once you develop a tolerance, you can move on to the prescription grade (0.5%).”

Dermatologists may also prescribe tretinoin and retinoic acid. They are much stronger than what you can buy at the pharmacy or online. However, be careful: this means that the “freaks” can also be stronger.

What is the “ugliness” of retinol and how to deal with it?

“Ugliness” can include quite a lot of ugliness. When you start using retinoids, your skin may become flaky or red. Some people even get a big pimple while their skin is clearing up. This can be discouraging. Isn’t the point of incorporating this highly publicized step into your skin care routine is that it should make you feel better ?

Don’t despair here. First, know that you are not alone. Check out Reddit to see if this really happens to even the most experienced skincare veterans. Every few weeks, new threads about freaks appear on the platform, and commentators exchange stories and photos of their flaky nightmares. They also exchange tips and tricks that will help them stay out of trouble in the future.

It takes a little effort to find the right combination of steps, but if it was completely impossible to use retinol without looking like a monster, no one would do it.

Here are some ways to deal with freaks:

  • At first, don’t use retinol every night. Parcells said you should only start using retinol once a week until your skin gets used to it. Again, start with a lower dose concentration and gradually increase to two to three applications per week. “It can take weeks to months to see results from retinol, depending on your skin problem, so be patient,” she said.
  • Use retinol in combination with a moisturizer. You can apply moisturizer before and after using retinol. Parcells calls this the “sandwich method”. Retinol can dry out the skin, so you need a good, powerful moisturizer. Some retinols, like Glossier, have built-in moisturizing ingredients. Also take a moisturizing night mask. Just apply it before bed and wash it off in the morning. Or try a retinol night cream. Parcells sells this drug, the composition of which is 0.5%.
  • Mix it with Hyaluronic Acid Serum. Parcells has a great tip: If your ugliness is too strong, try mixing retinol with a serum that includes hyaluronic acid, which helps your skin retain water for a hydrating and plumping effect. Here’s a highly rated one from The Ordinary. Hyaluronic acid, like retinol, is a beloved skincare staple that seems to go on forever. Heck, even Kylie Skin makes one of these serums (and it has great ratings too).
  • Plan ahead for your nightly skin care routine. Skin care can be fun, and when you’re starting out, it’s easy to go all-in by buying all the products recommended by the wisest author on your favorite forum or the most glamorous beauty blogger on YouTube. Even when you have collected all the Holy Grail products, you should not use them all at the same time. Plan your schedule carefully. Some nights are for certain foods and certain foods only. “Avoid using toners, scrubs, AHA/BHA and vitamin C during your retinol session. Give your body at least 48 hours before applying one of these products to avoid drying out or irritating your skin, Parcells said.
  • Don’t use too much. You want to use a pea-sized amount of retinol all over your face. That’s all. This is not a mask or moisturizer. It is powerful and quite powerful in small doses. Put a tiny dab on your fingers and rub it in, then transfer it to your face.
  • Always use sunscreen. This will make your face more sensitive to the sun. You don’t need a sunburn in addition to exfoliation and cleansing – or ever. If you’re new to applying sunscreen to your face, check out Supergoop , which has a favorite SPF skincare line. Their Unseen sunscreen blends invisibly and works great even under makeup. Some funds even include SPF. For example, the well-loved Ilia Super Serum Skin Tint comes in a wide range of shades and has an SPF of 40.
  • Drink water. Hydration from within. While your skin is flaking, you need to keep it moisturized. Drink water all day. Keep a water bottle and travel moisturizer with you at all times. When you get to one, be sure to use the other.

Deformities can last for months, but in the end the payback is worth it. Invest in quality moisturizers and a pretty water bottle, make up your mind not to let the looks of anxious onlookers break your spirit, and get ready to take the other side of this journey with great skin.


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