How to Remove Split Ends at Home, If There Is No Way to Turn to a Professional

Back in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, when most people still took it seriously, haircuts were one of the first (and most visible) parts of “normal” life to disappear out the window. Social media has been flooded with photos of hair that used to fall into the hands of professionals regularly, but has now been left on its own to grow and slowly return to its natural color.

But as soon as businesses began reopening in the spring and summer of 2021, trips to the hairdresser resumed, and many people haven’t looked back—regardless of new options or surges. Others, however, continue to err on the side of caution and either avoid going to the salon or hairdresser entirely, or significantly reduce their visits.

If you fall into the second category, you may be experiencing split ends now without regular trims. Luckily, there is a method called “powdering” that can help you get rid of damaged hair at home. Here’s what you need to know.

What are split ends?

Split ends are strands of hair that are split, frayed, or tapering down. Sometimes a strand can be so damaged that it breaks in the middle of the length , making it uneven in relation to the rest of the hair. And when your hair splits, no amount of deep conditioner will restore its former beauty: the only way to get rid of split ends is to cut them.

How to get rid of split ends at home

The term “powdering” refers to trimming split ends without changing the length of the hair. So it’s not a trim (with a shortening of the length), but rather a way to remove the split ends of the hair before they split even more and get even worse.

The powdering technique you use depends on your hair type , but they all require you to start with completely dry hair, working with only small strands of hair at a time, and then curl or wrap it around your finger until you see small hairs sticking out. . (which are shorter than the rest) and cut them off.

Here are some dust removal guides to help you through the process:

Straight hair:

Curly hair:

Hair 4 types:

Also, we should mention that you should invest in scissors designed for cutting hair if you plan on doing your own dusting. Not only are they much sharper than regular household scissors, but they are also slightly smaller and easier to maneuver.


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