When to See the November Lunar Eclipse of the Beaver Moon

Moon Ticks Comrades: November offers fantastic moon-centered entertainment, so turn off Netflix at least once and gaze at the moon instead. The November moon, known as the ” beaver moon “, will not be a total eclipse, but it is close: the moon has 98 percent coverage, which, if you ask me, is pretty good coverage.

What will you see during the November lunar eclipse

The beaver moon will be full on the evening of November 18 and the morning of November 19. In North America, if you look high to the west at 2:19 am ET, you can also see the beginning. lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipses are either the result of the disembodied head of the demon Rahu devouring the moon in a fit of revenge, or the appearance of the Earth between the sun and the moon and casting a shadow on the lunar surface, depending on who you ask.

The beaver moon will not disappear like the sun during a solar eclipse. Instead, it will gradually darken to a coppery orange. Most of the sunlight that normally illuminates the moon will be blocked, but some rays will bend around the earth and still pass. Our atmosphere blocks blue and green rays, but orange and red remain, so the moon looks brownish or orange, with the exception of 2 percent, which is not blocked. Even though the Moon will look like this, it is not a “real” Blood Moon – it is a 100 percent lunar eclipse.

Despite what Christopher Columbus told the Arawak people , the moon does not turn red because God is angry with you for not feeding the lazy and bloodthirsty conquistadors, so don’t fall for this bull.

The full moon in November is called the “beaver moon”.

The commonly used names for the full moon come from Native American groups who tracked time based on the moon. The beaver moon gets its name because it is at this time that beavers begin to settle in their huts to hide from winter. (This is also the best time to catch beavers, because their hide becomes thickest right before winter.)

According to the Farmer’s Almanac , the November moon can also be called a “digging (or scratching) moon” because it is when small animals forage for nuts in the ground and bears dig their dens for hibernation. You can also call it the “reindeer moon” because this is the time when the reindeer go about their hideous reindeer business, or you can call it the “whitefish moon” because it is the whitefish spawning month. I call the November moon “Miami Dolphins Excluded from the Super Bowl Moon” based on annual tradition.


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