The Speed Bag Is a Very Underrated Workout

If you’ve ever gone to a martial arts hall, you are familiar with the fast knock knock knock knock knock of the speed bag. This small, air-filled bag that hangs from a swivel may look harmless – especially when set against the cumbersome presence of larger, heavier bags – but it turns out to be a seriously underrated exercise with benefits that go far beyond the simple. gym.

Develop strength, speed and hand-eye coordination

Even if you’ve never used a speed bag, you’re probably familiar with the basic stance and shape: you hit it with the side of your fist, moving your hands in a circular motion, alternating between two, three, or four strokes. In the meantime, you’re also bouncing on your feet, so this is a hell of a workout for your shoulders and chest and engages your core.

As Michael Frederickson , a sports medicine physician at Stanford University School of Medicine, notes, all of these muscles are used in everyday life, such as when lifting or carrying things. “These are all very functional muscles,” he says.

In addition to building strength, the speed backpack also helps improve hand-eye coordination and speed. You must time the bag to hit the platform and bounce back, hitting at the right moment to maintain a smooth rhythm; it’s not as easy as it sounds – at least at first.

Within a few minutes you will feel the effect – the shoulder muscles will start to burn, and the fast pace will tire you out. It’s a hard workout, but it’s also fun.

“It’s almost like a game,” says Dwight Pratchett, boxing coach at Main Street Boxing & Muay Thai who trains professional boxers Rafael “Trouble” Igbokwe and Austin “Ammo” Williams. “It’s fun.”

Help prevent injury

Speed ​​bag exercises strengthen the shoulder muscles that stabilize our shoulder joints. Our arms are attached to our body by an articulated joint, so we can move our arms in many directions, but this also makes shoulder injuries so common.

Ben Fang, a physical therapist and spokesman for the American Physical Therapy Association , says using a speed bag can help prevent injury. Plus, because the speed bag is a low impact exercise, he said, “it’s surprisingly safe. This is a low-risk activity with a lot of potential reward. ”

Speed ​​bag workouts can also help with some of the pain associated with sitting at a table throughout the day. An upright position promotes good posture, while strength training helps to compensate for some of the back and neck pains that come from too many Zoom encounters and not enough movement.

Where to begin

When it comes to learning about a speed bag, it is helpful to get instructions on the correct technique. It is really important to develop good control and mechanics, says Christopher Gordon , a Washington University physical therapist at St. Louis School of Medicine.

One way to get started is to visit your local boxing and / or mixed martial arts gym. Be sure to find a gym that focuses on teaching the right technique as well as working towards your specific goals. This Youtube video from csquaredboxing is also a good beginner’s guide.

The carrying bag does take some cool training, but once you get it right, it’s a satisfying way to train. “I love teaching people how to make [speed bag],” says Pratchett. “As soon as they do it, you will see what is shining in their eyes, that they are doing it.”


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