Child Culture Guide for Adults: What Is Bining?

This week is dedicated to young people who have gone bad. Children there are outright criminals . They scatter baked beans, destroy school toilets, and point out ontological inconsistencies. Stop disrespecting my assumptions about reality, punks!

Trend of the week on TikTok: what is beaning?

In keeping with a delightfully British trend, gangs of young hooligans armed with cans of baked beans roam the UK, pouring them uncontrollably on cars and porches. They then post videos of these vicious attacks on TikTok with the hashtag #BEANBANDITS. This is called “beaning,” and it’s a big deal.

Police are advising shopkeepers to restrict the sale of beans to young people, post shocking pictures of bean- smeared cars online, and point out that “victims are understandably concerned about this inappropriate behavior.”

When will the excruciating nightmare end? And can we spread some toast?

Continuation of the week: overclocking “Devious Licks”

Meanwhile, in the United States: Last week we told you about trends “Sinister Liz in TikTok, where the children lay out a video with ridiculous theft of his school. The inevitable authoritarian crackdown is coming this week.

TikTok has banned the videos , and schools across the country are making it clear that they would prefer students not to be stolen or vandalized. Administrators in Raleigh, North Carolina, limit student bath time to prevent deceit and / or licking. In Tennessee, police are indicting several students on vandalism charges for destroying their school toilets. But inevitably, the licking hit Liking County the hardest; Children in a new high school in Ohio County reportedly “kicked the doors, ripped soap dispensers out of the wall and put them in toilets, turned faucets to the point of refurbishment, and filled toilets and urinals in the boys’ toilet with liquid. Halloween fake blood. ” Insidious!

TikTok Alerts of the Week

It’s time to remind you once again to never do what you see on the internet for any reason. In particular, don’t do this :

This Week In Music: Exploding Ginger Root

Cameron Liu, a 25-year-old musician from Huntington Beach, California, has a moment. His music project Ginger Root is all about creating “aggressive elevator soul” and their video is spreading all over the place. Try to imagine what aggressive elevator soul sounds like before following the link to the video forGinger Ruth’s Loretta.

How close did you get? If Loretta’s contagious (perhaps ironic) grooves from the 1970s are also stuck in your head, watchthis entire concert from the band . All their music is like that.

This Week Live: Show D’Amelio

Sisters Charlie and Dixie D’Amelio became incredibly famous overnight for doing almost nothing on TikTok, and now they are shifting their inactivity to Hula, where the sisters’ reality show The D’Amelio Show can be seen.

While the show is often a behind-the-scenes look at commonplace people making careers, it sometimes omits the question, “Isn’t it great to be rich, famous and young?” tone and it becomes interesting. At its best, Show D’Amelio exposes the dark side of internet fame by exploring the sisters’ anxiety, insecurity, and fragility and their symbiotic relationship with the often venomous normal people who make up their audience.

You can’t help but wonder if it’s better for them to delete their accounts and never look back, or if the lack of attention will make them literally melt away like the Wicked Witch of the West.

Viral Video of the Week: Are There Chairs?

Some think that only stupid videos go viral on the internet, but Vsauce‘s viral collaborative project“Are There Chairs” this week is not stupid at all. It’s pretty smart, to be honest. “Are there chairs?” this is not an absurd question or a joke for conspiracy theorists, instead, a simple question is a launching pad for an almost 40-minute philosophical discussion of ontology and semiotics, where a “chair” is used to illustrate what makes a thing a thing, and whether there is any -or thing. Almost 2 million people watched the video in just a few days, suggesting that young people love the discussion you might have in Philosophy 101 or the first time you bong rips.


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