Last Year’s Sunscreen Is Probably Still Good

Do you still have last year’s bottle of sunscreen in your bathroom toilet? While you might think you need a new one, sunscreen lasts longer than you think. Check the expiration date if there is one, but if not, you have three years from the date of purchase to use it.

This advice comes straight from the FDA , which asks sunscreen manufacturers to provide an expiration date for their product, indicating when it will no longer provide the level of protection indicated on the label. If there is no date, it means that testing has shown that it should be in working order for a full three years after purchase.

Older sunscreen may have lost its potency, but then again, it may not. Because it’s a little risky, the FDA recommends throwing away sunscreen that has passed or has passed its expiration date. If it doesn’t have an expiration date, but you can remember buying it last year or even two years ago – say, on vacation before a pandemic – it will still be as good as new.

While we’re on the subject of storage, the FDA recommends, ironically, keeping bottles of sunscreen out of the sun. Intense heat can cause premature deterioration in the quality of the product, so they suggest that you leave your sunscreen in the shade or wrap it in towels when you are at the beach. You can also put it in the refrigerator for added safety.

This post was first published in May 2017 and was updated on May 14, 2021 to check links, add information, and be in line with the current Lifehacker style.


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