How to Deal With a Toxic Boss

The term toxic has been used a lot in the past few years, especially when it comes to the workplace. But, as anyone who has ever worked for a really toxic boss will tell you, this descriptor says much more than incompetence, poor management style, or annoying habits. Working daily as this person’s subordinate can seriously affect your mental health. A 2016 study at Stanford University even found that the stress of mismanagement in the American workplace could be responsible for up to 120,000 deaths a year.

But bosses can be tricky. They still managed to reach their current position, which means at least being a pleasant and reasonable person. In other words, their toxic tendencies don’t always show up in interviews. (If there are any, RUN.) So how can you spot a toxic boss? And if you realize that you are already working for one, how can you deal with it?

How to recognize a toxic boss

Part of the problem with identifying toxic bosses is that they tend to mix fairly easily. “Bad leaders are more like good leaders than they are different,” – he said in an interview Dr. Barbara Kellerman , lecturer at the Harvard School of Public Administration it . Kennedy . In general, both groups demonstrate “intelligence, high levels of energy, a strong desire for power and achievement, determination and determination.”

In his book Poor Leadership: What It Is, How It Happens, Why It Matters, Kellerman identifies seven types of toxic leaders:

An incompetent boss cannot or does not want to do his job well.

The Tough Boss confuses inflexibility with strength.

The Abstinent Boss lacks self-knowledge and self-control.

The Heartless Boss lacks compassion and kindness.

A corrupt boss steals or cheats to his advantage.

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The Angry Boss inflicts pain to heighten their sense of power and dominance.

Before you can pinpoint your coping strategies, it’s a good idea to think about your boss’s leadership style. This flowchart from walks you through the process.

How to deal with a toxic boss

If you’ve managed to identify the category your boss falls into (or at least narrow it down to just a few), here are some strategies to help you deal with each type of toxic leader, according to :

Incompetent boss

Bosses in this category usually need a little help to get their jobs done. Taking the initiative and taking something off their plate will make their life easier and you can lead a specific project, ” writes Amy Gallo in an article for the Harvard Business Review .

Tough boss

People hate losing something – apparently more than gaining something. So if you are dealing with a boss who doesn’t move, the change frame you are hoping to do that will make your boss feel like they’re losing out on something if they don’t do your proposed setting, management – explains expert Dan Rockwell .

Unrestrained boss

Change the current (not ideal) situation so that it becomes a learning opportunity. For example, if your boss raised his voice, use this to learn how to calm him down.

Soulless boss

Not sure where to start? Ask for a one-on-one meeting so that you have the opportunity to clearly state your concerns.

Corrupt boss

Corruption requires numerical strength, writes Michael Scapinker for the Financial Times . He suggests finding colleagues who share your concerns and working together to develop an action plan for the specific situation you are facing.

Island boss

According to Lisa Chase of Harvard Business School , employees working for this type of leader must guide the company towards fulfilling their corporate social obligations, including philanthropy, volunteering, and the environment.

Angry Boss

Every work situation is different, but if you can take a firm stand – even a small one – it’s time to do it. The obvious place to start is to schedule an appointment with your HR representative and bring the issue to their attention.


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