Wear Socks to Help You Fall Asleep Easily

If you have trouble falling asleep, cold feet may be the problem (and I’m not talking about the fear of making a big decision). A study published in the journal Psychology & Behavior notes that “falling asleep can be accelerated by using neutral socks.” Socks?

When the extremities are warm, the blood vessels can dilate and allow more blood flow, which helps redistribute blood and helps you fall asleep. So if you’re having trouble getting to sleep, you can just put on a pair of warm socks.

Wear socks before bed to prevent Raynaud’s attack.

Wearing socks before bed is not a comfortable prospect, but it can help when you have trouble sleeping. Healthline states that wearing socks before bed can prevent the risk of Raynaud’s attack. Raynaud’s disease is a condition associated with low blood flow to the extremities, causing cold hands and feet. Cold feet before bed can be uncomfortable and one of the reasons you stay awake.

Wear socks to regulate your circadian rhythm.

The circadian rhythm regulates your body’s sleep / wake cycle and can be disrupted by stress or interruption in your sleep routine. The Sleep Mattress Club claims that getting into the habit of wearing warm socks before bed can send signals to the brain to indicate it’s time to sleep and balance your circadian rhythm.

Your body temperature tends to drop at night, preparing you for sleep. This fall can negatively affect your limbs, inadvertently causing the opposite effect.

I have always had a problem falling asleep due to frozen feet, so I decided to get a heating blanket that I use during the winter months. But for the safe use of heating blankets, you need to pay a lot of attention. Wearing warm socks can be an easier, safer alternative.

There are several ways to warm up your socks before bed to help prepare your brain for a good night.

  • Buy cashmere or fluffy socks and set them aside for bed.The National Sleep Foundation suggests investing in plush or cashmere socks to ensure maximum comfort and warmth.
  • If you have a radiator, try putting your socks on before putting them on and going to bed during the colder months.
  • Throw your socks in the dryer before bed.
  • Try placing a hot water bottle on your bed to warm your sheets before getting into bed. Do this in addition to regular (or cashmere) socks.

Socks in bed may seem strange at first, but after the first night, when you get a better sleep, you may find that they have become a regular part of your nightly routine.


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