How Much Can a DUI Cost You

Aside from the obvious danger, drunk driving can be one of the most costly financial mistakes you will ever make. The first DUI costs an average of $ 6,500 per driver, although that can easily go up to $ 30,000, depending on several factors. Here’s a look at how DUI affects your wallet.

Why DUI costs differ

If your first DUI is associated with a high blood alcohol concentration (BAC) or an accident, then your total costs will be higher than your other first DUI violations. Where you live is also important: according to, in some states the minimum fines for early offenders are around $ 1,500 (Oregon, Alaska, Utah), while in other states it is $ 0 (Illinois, Indiana, Missouri). Your age is also a factor for both unacceptable BAC levels (some states have “zero tolerance” laws for drivers under 21, which means they may be charged for a lower BAC than the typical 0.08 threshold) and for potential insurance costs. …

Court expenses

After being arrested for DUI, the police will take you to the police station, where you will be photographed and fingerprinted. You will then be released if someone can pick you up and pay your bail, although some states require mandatory jail time even for first-time drunk offenders – usually a day or two.According to the American Narcology Centers , typical legal fees are listed below:

  • If you are in a state with a mandatory prison sentence, bail or bail can range from $ 100 to $ 2,500 .
  • Expect $ 100 to $ 1200 for towing a car or arrest fines.
  • For your first DUI, expect to pay attorney fees in the $ 1,500 to $ 5,000 range .
  • Court-ordered fines range from $ 150 to $ 1,800 , with an average of $ 352 on first conviction .
  • Other fees include prison fees ( $ 10-300 ), sentencing fees ( $ 100-250), probation fees ( $ 200-1200), and drug tests as a condition of bail or probationary period ( more than $ 100 ).
  • Some states have so-called “driver liability fees,” which are additional fees paid directly to the government and can range from $ 1,000 to $ 2,500 depending on the state in which they are paid.
  • Mandatory substance abuse training courses cost between $ 1,000 and $ 3,000.
  • Many states require some DUI violators to equip their vehicles with an ignition lock (breathalyzer that starts your car), which can cost over $ 500 .

License Fees

In many states, your driver’s license is automatically suspended when you are arrested for DUI, and a conviction usually results in the loss of your driver’s license for several months. To get your license back, you will have to pay a restoration fee, which ranges from $ 20 to $ 200 .

Insurance costs

According to NerdWallet, raising insurance premiums can really hurt your wallet – auto insurance rates usually go up more than 75% after DUI. On average, auto insurance will cost you an additional $ 1104 per year for full coverage and $ 473 per year for minimum coverage required (again, this varies by state). As a high-risk driver, you will be stuck with these higher rates for about three to five years after the DUI.


If you lose your license, you may have to spend money on public transport or ride-sharing, which will incur additional costs. The cost will vary depending on your trip to work, but expect at least $ 200 in new expenses, unless you have a friend or family member to drive you and are willing to cover the cost of gas.

Loss of wages

If your DUI conviction is related to a long prison sentence, or you have to drive to work, or if you were simply fired by an arbitrary employer , then you will have to count the loss of wages as part of the total cost of obtaining a DUI. Of course, how much it costs depends entirely on how much you make, but it’s not hard to see how losing a few weeks’ paycheck due to DUI can completely undermine your personal finances.


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