How to Track Santa’s Trip From the North Pole

It was an important year for postal workers and other delivery drivers. Not only did they bring us what we need during the pandemic, they also made sure our ballots reached their final destination and are now transporting large quantities of COVID-19 vaccine around the country.

There will be one more person tonight doing delivery than usual and has a rather long route. Yes, we are talking about Santa Claus and his annual trips from the North Pole around the world.

And now that old jolly Saint Nick has received his first dose of vaccine – courtesy of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who personally injected him – he is ready to travel and descend through the millions of chimneys into private homes, spreading a festive mood (but not SARS-CoV -2). Even though we know that Santa Claus actually comes to town, you (or someone you know) might want to follow his path and chart his progress. Here’s how to do it.

How to track Santa’s trip from the North Pole

The most famous way to track this big guy is through the Santa Tracker of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). One night of the year, in addition to observing space for a potential nuclear attack, the NORAD team also provides live information on Santa’s whereabouts.

About 9 million people from 200 countries use this service every year. To join them, visit the dedicated NORAD Santa Tracker website .

Or, if you don’t have time to waste time watching the screen, you can also download the NORAD skill for your Amazon Alexa device and ask, “Alexa, where is Santa?”

Google offers another Santa tracking option that provides a countdown to Santa’s estimated arrival in your area, as well as some games and other holiday events. Aside from being fun with kids, tracking Santa can also help convince them to go to bed at a reasonable time. Just tell them that he can only deliver their gifts when they fall asleep.


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