What Cannabis Really Does to Your Brain and Body

Cannabis is the most popular illicit drug in the world, and it is gaining in popularity as the push for legalization – for medical or recreational purposes – spreads across more states . But what actually happens in your body when you eat? Let’s take a look at this amazing drug, its effects on health, and possible concerns about its use.

Cannabis is a controlled substance … that has not been conducted in controlled scientific research

Before we begin, we must point out that much more research is needed in this area. Although cannabis has been used for centuries as a medicine and as an intoxicant (it is even referred to several times in the Old Testament as “kaneh bosom”), we know little about the health consequences of its use. This is because there hasn’t been a lot of controlled research on this, mainly due to how cannabis is classified by the federal government.

The FDA classifies cannabis as a Schedule I drug (Fun fact: heroin, ecstasy and LSD are also Schedule I, but cocaine and methamphetamine are both Schedule II less dangerous drugs.) There are two exceptions: approved FDA cannabidiol (CBD) drugs with a “no more than 0.1”. percent tetrahydrocannabinols ”are included in Schedule V, the same list as codeine-containing cough syrups. And cannabis, defined as cannabis plants containing less than 0.3% THC, is not planned thanks to the 2018 Agriculture Act .

Since garden cannabis is still on Schedule I, you need a DEA license to study it and your study must be FDA approved. “To get research-grade cannabis, you have to go through the National Institute on Drug Abuse,” explains Popular Science . Otherwise, because it is illegal to use cannabis at the federal level (even in states that have legalized it), researchers working in hospitals, colleges, or other institutions that receive federal funding risk losing their funds to conduct this research.

There have been movements to reclassify cannabis and open doors for more research for a long time, but for now, here’s what we know about cannabis and our health.

What cannabis does to our brains in the first couple of hours

Cannabis contains at least 60 types of cannabinoids , chemical compounds that act on receptors in our brains. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the chemical responsible for most of the effects of cannabis, including euphoria. THC resembles another cannabinoid that is naturally produced in our brain, anandamide, which regulates our mood, sleep, memory and appetite.

Basically, the effect of cannabinoids on our brain is for our neurons to fire up, amplifying our thoughts and perceptions and keeping us on them (until another thought leads us in the other direction). That’s why when you’re high it’s really not the best time to drive, prepare for an exam, or play sports that require coordination like tennis or baseball. Like alcohol , caffeine, and sugar , cannabinoids also affect dopamine levels in our brain, often causing feelings of relaxation and euphoria.

The salon explains a few more ways cannabis interacts with our brains, such as disrupting our ability to form new memories and how cannabinoids trigger classic snacks.

The effect will depend on the amount taken, as well as how effective the drug is (regular cannabis contains 2 to 5% THC, while ganja can contain up to 15% THC, and hash oil from 15 to 60% THC). In high doses – and if you don’t follow our food safety advice – cannabis can cause horrific hallucinatory conditions when you lie on the couch for hours.

As with other drugs, the effects of cannabis also vary from person to person. Not everyone may find this pleasant or relaxing; For those who are anxious or prone to panic attacks, cannabis can aggravate their symptoms rather than bring about a sense of calm.

Cannabis May Have Long-Term Effects on Memory and Concentration

The short-term effects of cannabis are usually felt within a few minutes, peak within 30 minutes, and wear off in about two to three hours. The more important question is, what happens if we use marijuana more regularly or occasionally but actively use it? Are there ongoing cognitive and other changes in health status? Are we all at risk of becoming the Big Lebowski Dude?

Again, we don’t have much rigorous scientific research on this, let alone a lot of longitudinal research. A 2012 review of available studies published in the Journal of Addiction Medicine found that immediate impairments to memory and concentration are not permanent. But a 2018 survey by the Colorado Department of Public Health concluded that daily cannabis users may have memory impairment for more than a week after quitting smoking. Whether memory problems or other cognitive problems might last longer is unclear.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment offers a list of claims about the health effects of cannabis use and a detailed list of how compelling the evidence is for each claim . Evidence for most mental health effects is “limited” or “mixed”, but some results have substantial evidence. These include:

  • Adolescents and young adults who use cannabis are more likely to develop psychotic symptoms and disorders such as schizophrenia.
  • Heavy use of smoked hemp has been linked to chronic lung problems such as bronchitis.
  • Cannabis users can become addicted over time.

Compared to other drugs, cannabis is less addictive and less harmful.

Addiction is a very complex topic . People can become addicted to anything that gives us pleasure. While addiction to cannabis is real, it is less common than addiction to other (legal or illegal) substances. Statistics say that 9% of people (about one in 10) who use cannabis become addicted, compared with 32% of tobacco users, 20% of cocaine users and 15% of alcohol drinkers.

When it comes to cannabis and other substances, some say the most important thing is not how addictive it is, but how harmful it can be. Former chief surgeon Jocelyn Elders told CNN she supports the legalization of cannabis, saying it is “not addictive, not physically addictive anyway.” Time reports :

As Dr. Elders also said on CNN, marijuana is non-toxic. You can fatally overdose on alcohol, heroin, or cocaine, but the only way to kill you with a dose of marijuana is if someone crushes you with a bale.

While the data show that substance use disorder and withdrawal symptoms may develop after stopping heavy use, cannabis is still less dangerous and addictive than other substances – more than 100 times safer than alcohol – but that does not mean completely harmless. How cannabis is consumed and prepared can go a long way in its health effects, for better or for worse.

Cannabis is more dangerous for teens

The chances of becoming addicted to cannabis are increased if you use it daily or start in your teens. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, cannabis addiction rises to about 17% among those who start using at a young age (adolescence) and from 25 to 50% among people who use daily.

Dr. Damon Ruskin , a physician and diplomat for the American Board of Addiction Medicine, advises:

These days, marijuana can induce changes in the brain that impair learning, especially in adolescents, since their brains have not yet completed their development. The brain is not fully developed until the age of 25 or 26. Chronic marijuana use can lead to changes in both personality and the ability to reason and reason.

Sweat damages the heart and lungs, increases the incidence of anxiety, depression and schizophrenia, and can cause acute psychotic episodes. Many adults seem to be able to use marijuana with relatively little harm, but the same cannot be said for teens, who are about twice as likely as adults to become addicted to marijuana.

Much of the marijuana available today is more potent than it was in the past, so there is a chance that it will have a stronger deleterious effect on the user. Health care workers are more likely to visit emergency departments with excessive vomiting, and adolescents are at increased risk of psychosis and delirium.

If you are a parent, this is another reminder to talk to your kids about drugs , especially in the early years.

Smoking is more risky than other methods of consumption

Cannabis is most commonly smoked, but it can be used in vaporizers, made into tea, or used as an ingredient in foods as an edible. Oils and tinctures are often made from the cannabis plant for medicinal purposes. Of the many ways cannabis is consumed, smoking appears to have the most harmful side effects. According to the American Lung Association :

Smoke is harmful to lung health. Whether burning wood, tobacco or marijuana, toxins and carcinogens are released when materials are burned. Marijuana smoke has been shown to contain many of the same toxins, irritants, and carcinogens as tobacco smoke.

Apart from being in smoke, marijuana is usually smoked differently from tobacco. Marijuana smokers tend to inhale more deeply and hold their breath longer than cigarette smokers, resulting in more tar exposure per breath.

Secondhand marijuana smoke contains many of the same toxins and carcinogens found in directly inhaled marijuana smoke, in similar amounts, if not more.

However, a 2013 review of studies found mixed evidence linking heavy long-term cannabis use to lung disease or lung cancer, and concluded that there is definitely a greater risk to them if you smoke tobacco.

However, regular users may want to consider other options besides smoking, such as vaping and edible products. Ata Gonzalez, CEO of G FarmaLabs , says:

Traditional methods (joining, blunting, etc.), Firstly, not the most effective and certainly not the cleanest. These paper-based methods can be harsh over time on the tissues of the throat and lungs, can potentially lead to the inhalation of mold spores, and can be carcinogenic depending on what the cannabis is curled in. Vaporizers are a much better option if you intend to smoke it, not only because it is much more inconspicuous, but also introduces the cannabinoids into the bloodstream as a gas through heat rather than smoke from burning. Vaping also reduces potential exposure to harmful toxins / byproducts because marijuana is never burned.

Conversely, there is always the opportunity to eat. This method is the most efficient way to get cannabinoids in the body because it is carried out through the gastrointestinal tract and not through the lungs – this also means that absorption is slower and the effects appear to be delayed, but this is because the body must metabolize THC through the liver … The result, however, is a much more body-focused high that is optimal for pain relief. Tinctures and tonics are sometimes referred to as this subset / consumption category. Finally, we have cannabis oil-based topical solutions (like ointments, lotions, ointments, etc.), which are best used as anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents.

Plus, if you get involved, you’ll want to know where your cannabis came from – who grew it, how they grew it, how they harvested it, and so on. (You can even buy Willie Nelson’s marijuana from his stores!) If you don’t know, however, consider a suggestion from Global Healing Center editor Ben Nettleton to water your belongings:

Water curing is simply soaking your items in water and changing the water a few times. Water removes all water-soluble impurities. So any leftover fertilizers, pesticides, fungus (the recent Smithsonian brought up the prevalence of this) and even harmless unnecessary compounds like salts and chlorophyll. Almost the same as if it was washed. THC is not water soluble, so you won’t lose anything you want.

We tend to think of cannabis as a natural hippie movement, but legal cannabis is the fastest growing industry in the US today – a multibillion dollar industry – and the purity and quality of cannabis can make a big difference to your health. and its effect on you.

There are many possible medical uses for cannabis.

Finally, there are potential medical uses for cannabis in a wide variety of conditions. 33 US states 2 and the District of Columbia have legalized the medical use of cannabis for the treatment of symptoms of cancer, AIDS, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, migraines, epilepsy, nausea, and other conditions. 76% of the doctors surveyed said they prescribe cannabis for medicinal purposes. Procon.org’s analysis of 60 peer-reviewed medical marijuana studies found that 68% concluded that treatment was positive for the conditions healed.

However, as with the side effects of cannabis, research is still limited and lacking. CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta , who has changed his stance on cannabis and is now questioning the classification of cannabis as a Schedule I drug, says that of recent articles about it, the vast majority – about 94% – are for harm investigation, while only 6% explore the benefits of medical cannabis.

So, we have anecdotal evidence. Greta Carter , cannabis activist, entrepreneur and founder of a network of clinics, tells Lifehacker:

What we do know is that the VA has clearly defined the benefits of marijuana for PTSD. We also know that parents who have struggled with children with seizures and movement disorders on a daily basis are going to extremes to relocate their families to states that will allow them access to drugs. We’ve heard from AIDS and cancer patients who benefit from cannabis. Outside of the US, there are studies that do show that cannabis treatment reduces the number of tumors. I find it shameful that we, as a country with over 500 deaths a year from aspirin , and no one in our history has ever tried to prevent the plant from being easily accessible to everyone because of cannabis. who is looking for him.

Since these are extreme situations that promote cannabis use, I am more of the opinion that cannabis is part of the overall well-being for many. … Serving over 1000 patients a month (40,000 today) passing through my clinics, and the average age of people is getting older every year, the stories I am used to hearing are: an aging population that comes in and tells what it is taking more than 14 types of drugs (and some of them are drugs that compensate for the side effects of other drugs), one year after the inclusion of cannabis, they come back and their number is reduced to 2 or 3, and the quality of life is improved. Of those who have suffered from addiction to pain relievers, they use cannabis for pain relief and do not take pain relievers. The stories go on and on.

Opponents of medical cannabis argue that it is too dangerous to use (although these arguments seem to be mostly related to the effects of smoking and not cannabis in general or cannabis used in other ways), that cannabis is addictive, and that legal drugs make cannabis unnecessary.

Health professionals and researchers (and legislators) on both sides of the debate continue to argue about the pros and cons of using cannabis. As for us ordinary people, 58% of respondents to a survey conducted by the progressive think tank Data for Progress said that they support the legal sale of cannabis (recreational or medical), as well as alcohol.

As always, “further research is recommended” (isn’t that how all research ends?) In the case of cannabis, we really need to know more.

This story was originally published in March 2015 and was updated on November 3, 2020 with up-to-date information and links.


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