Season Your Mayonnaise With Sad, Wilted Herbs

One of my hobbies is buying too many herbs and then watching them wither, dehydrate, or run out in the refrigerator, depending on how I (incorrectly) stored them. Will my cilantro in a jar of water help extend its lifespan? Yes. I’m going to do that? You know that I am not like that. (There is simply no room for tall things in my tiny, dull refrigerator.)

But even when herbs look wilted and pitiful – and I’ve seen some very wilted and pitiful herbs in my time – they still have a good scent trapped inside their cell walls, and you can get rid of that scent by mixing them with a little mayonnaise. … even if they turned into mush. If you have a bunch of delicate herbs (like cilantro, parsley, or sage), you can add all the shebang, stems, and so on. If your herbs look ugly but are woody (like rosemary and thyme), you need to remove them from the stems first. You can also toss shriveled pale shallots in there, including the roots, if you have something languid in your food drawer.

Try to have one cup of mayonnaise for every cup of coarsely chopped herbs and onions. Wash plant parts by fanning them in a bowl of water, blot with paper towels, and blend with mayonnaise using a food processor, immersion blender, or “regular” blender until you have a green, super herbal, fresh but still very creamy sauce. It is very good as it is – spread it on a sandwich! – but you can also dilute it with a little red wine vinegar to make a salad dressing (also add a pinch of sugar), or mix it with sour cream for a more substantial chip dip. It’s also friendly to all kinds of potatoes: delicious drizzled over chips or mashed potatoes, it makes an excellent dipping sauce for chips.


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