How to Keep Fighting Police Brutality

The fight is not over. Activists across the country continue to take to the streets demanding police and justice reform for Breonna Taylor , Ryshard Brooks , Elijah McClain and countless other victims of police brutality.

In the video above, we spoke with Ianne Fields Stewart, activist and founder of Project Okra , and Jennwin Wong, an advocate for the Legal Aid Society , about how we can all continue to fight police brutality.

Call your representatives

The easiest way is to call your local and state representatives . This is the best way for elected officials to learn about issues that matter to their constituents.

Wong also urges activists to check the offices of the district attorney, city council, state assembly, and city hall. How did they deal with past incidents of police brutality? Are they ready to reform? These are people who can directly influence local communities.

Learn about Defund the Police initiatives

Activists across the country are demanding radical police reform, so find out how you can best support your local initiatives to free the police and make long-term policy changes.

Report incidents of police misconduct to the Civilian Supervisory Board

Many communities have civilian complaints commissions that can hold their police departments accountable. While the effectiveness of these commissions has been questioned , Wong urges anyone who has witnessed police misconduct to file a complaint. At the very least, it creates a list of misconduct that activists and politicians can use.

Have difficult conversations

On a more personal level, Stewart encourages everyone to have difficult conversations about race and privilege with family and friends. There are many tools and resources available to help you discuss these complex and important topics.

Prepare for a long battle

Both Wong and Stewart stressed that meaningful reforms will not be achieved overnight. Activists have been clamoring for equality and change for years, and the struggle is far from over.

“The best advice I can give is a marathon, not a sprint,” says Wong.


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