How to Maintain Older Video Game Systems

The launch of the Sony PlayStation 5 and Microsoft Xbox Series X is just a few months away. As with any new generation of consoles, there is a lot of hype surrounding new cars, but their arrival does not mean that your current devices will immediately become obsolete. Lots of games will be dropped for both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and you can keep playing them for years if you feel good about your console.

The biggest threat to the lifespan of your old gaming systems – in fact, the biggest threat to most technology in general is dust and heat. Fortunately, you can generally control both with proper cleaning and storage. We’ll go over a few tips for maintaining your PS4 and Xbox One, using the same proven tips that collectors have used to keep retro consoles up and running even decades later.

Dust removal and cleaning

Maintenance starts with cleaning the consoles and dusting off. Wipe and dust off the consoles and the area around them regularly to prevent dust build-up, which can interfere with ventilation and cause overheating.

Remember, electronics and moisture are incompatible. Use only dry rags to clean the console – never use damp towels or wipes, and avoid cleaning agents. Moisture from damp towels or chemicals sprayed from a bottle can seep into crevices or vents on the console and cause all sorts of problems.

For the inside of your console, use compressed air to blow dust out of vents and other crevices. The trick here is to spray the dust outward, not inward. Aim so that the cylinder nozzle sprays parallel to the vent rather than directly into the console – this could actually push dust and debris further into the car, which … not good.

Cooling and storage

Proper storage of the console is just as important as regular cleaning, especially if the machines are used regularly.

Store the consoles in open areas with ample space between the vents and any shelving or walls. Do not fold them or place them near windows, vents, or other devices. Yes, and make sure they are in the correct position. – some consoles can be placed both vertically and horizontally, but we suggested that you study which orientation provides the most distribution and use suitable stands if you do install them vertically. Personally, I would suggest keeping your consoles flat to prevent accidental rollover, which is the most likely cause of hardware failure or data loss.

There are other self-cooling solutions out there, including building your own cooling units to keep your consoles running at optimal temperatures, but I can’t vouch for any of them. You can investigate if you like, but do so at your own risk.

Proper cooling and cleaning will keep your consoles working properly, but at some point you may need to fix hardware and software issues.

Software maintenance

Sometimes the console slows down due to an internal software problem, and the recommendations on what to do in these cases are the same as for your smartphone or PC: make sure you have the latest updates and do a factory reset. if the problem persists. As with any operating system device, frequent factory reset of your consoles can help keep your device running smoothly. This is actually only an issue with original hardware from the post-PlayStation 2 era, but some newer third-party retro consoles also need regular software updates.

If you’re having problems but can’t find a problem with the console itself, the games may be to blame. Proper storage and care will differ depending on cartridge-based systems and disc-playing systems, so please treat them appropriately.

Hardware fixes

Regular cleaning using proper techniques should be sufficient to avoid the need for deep cleaning of the console’s interior hardware. However, if your machine is really not performing well, you might have to open the case and look inside – and maybe even replace something there. On newer consoles, optical drives and hard drives will be frequent points of failure, but each machine has its own weak points. Some consoles, like the PlayStation 4, allow users to easily swap out the standard hard drive if they want, but if you need to replace something else, you’ll need to open this suction cup.

The process for doing this is different for each computer, but it’s easy to find the manual for your console using a Google search. However, fair warning: opening the console is risky. This can void the warranty (admittedly not a problem for older devices that are no longer under warranty) and it is easy to break something due to user error. Only open the enclosure if you are absolutely certain that it is necessary and that you can handle the equipment correctly.

Some hardware problems are inevitable due to normal wear and tear, but you can prevent unnecessary malfunctions with proper storage and cleaning. When in doubt, stock up on compressed air. You will need it if you want your old consoles to survive the next generation of games.

[ CNET ]


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