Please Remove the Membrane Before Preparing the Ribs.

When it comes to meat dishes, ribs are a fairly straightforward task. Whether you smoke, grill, bake or sous vide , making an impressive rack is something most home chefs can master without too much trouble. But there is one thing that many beginners forget to do, and that can seriously ruin the fun of eating ribs.

If you look at the less meaty side of the ribbed grill, you may notice that it is a little shiny – almost like a thin mesh stretched over meat and bones. This is because there is something like. It’s a membrane (called the peritoneum, yum!) And, unlike collagen and connective tissue, it doesn’t soften when cooked.

If left open, the membrane acts like a chewy piece of very thin plastic wrap, destroying your ribs due to its strength. Leaving it on is a crime against visitors and any animal that dies to give you their ribs. Fortunately, the membrane is easy to remove. You don’t even need a knife. (Although I’ve seen people try to cut it off, there’s really no reason for the blade to be involved.)

You only need your hands and a paper towel to remove the ribbed membrane. Turn the grill over with the fleshy side down, then using your fingernail to separate the shiny membrane from the row of fleshy bones, starting at the smaller end of the ribs. After you open the small piece, grab it with a paper towel, press down on the smaller end of the rack with your other hand, and pull. The membrane will come off immediately, and your ribs will be better for it.


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