Google Maps Now Show Delivery and Food Options Nearby

Ordering or picking up dinner? Google Maps has been updated with two search filters that highlight nearby delivery and takeout options. The new search options are officially available on Android and iOS in the US, Canada, and France, but other countries have also reported seeing the feature, so it might be worth checking out wherever you live.

How to find shipping and collection options on Google Maps

  1. Open the Google Maps app on your Android phone or iPhone / iPad.
  2. Click “Delivery” or “Take Out” below the search bar.
  3. The app will then show you a list of nearby eateries that currently offer delivery / takeaway. You can also search a specific restaurant to see if they offer delivery or takeout options.

In some cases, clicking on a specific restaurant will open a delivery menu on the restaurant’s website, or even a delivery app like Grub Hub or Ubereats, provided the link redirects to an app you’ve already installed on your device.

As an additional note, please tip your delivery man or restaurant staff generously, whether or not you use Google Maps to find food. It’s remarkable how convenience as simple as food delivery is taking on new meaning in the current pandemic. Food delivery can help alleviate tedious long-term social distancing and help businesses stay open even as the economic impact of COVID-19 gets worse, but it’s important to keep in mind the additional risks associated with front-line workers who prepare and deliver food to you. …


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