How to Fall Asleep When the World Is Crumbling

Between concerns about the safety of ourselves and our loved ones, and the staggering effects of the economic collapse, most of us have trouble sleeping. We looked to the archives for some of the best tips on how to save your sleep in the midst of constant worries. Here are some of what we found:

Why anxiety wakes you up at night and how to restore rest

When you’re faced with stress during your waking hours – like a deadline for a big project that’s looming, or a trip you’re about to take the next morning – your brain can mimic this pattern and send you into a stressful, panic-stricken state even after that. how you got rid of the immediate stressor. Final result? We wake up in the middle of the night after we have had time to relax, worried about work or a flight that we need to catch.

Right now, most of us are in continuous panic, which can disrupt our sleep.

For better sleep, getting up and out of bed, getting distracted, making exercise a part of your daily routine, making a to-do list, not looking at the clock, and trying to relax and stay relaxed are recommended.

How to get some rest when stress keeps you awake at night

It is now the middle of the night, and you know you should sleep, but you cannot. […] Of course, if falling asleep again was as easy as “get it out of your head and relax”, there would be no problem. Lying there won’t help, so when you find yourself nervous, stop and get out of bed. Doing something else a little will help you get rid of it.

Tips for getting better sleep even under stress include taking a short walk, a cup of tea for distraction, meditation, avoiding screen time, limiting sleeping pills, and quitting work.

Avoid disturbing conversation topics right before bed

It can be tricky, but it is best to keep the conversations about problems that cause stress, anxiety, or other intense emotions, which are practically everything that happens in the outside world, during the day, and not before you go to bed. As noted in the article:

Of course, this does not mean that you cannot talk about the things that bother you, if these conversations bring relief. Expressing emotions is a powerful way to deal with them. If you need a little consolation or are generally worried, feel free to talk about it. However, if you’re just going to focus on something beyond your control that can wait, give yourself time to rest instead.

If all goes well, this will include giving up on news or social media. The outside world may wait a little while you rest and get well.

How to recover from a nightmare

Many people report particularly vivid dreams and nightmares , which suggests that even while sleeping, the world creeps into stress. Even when you know it was just a dream, nightmares can add additional stress. Feeling depressed and anxious after a nightmare is normal. It is important to acknowledge these feelings and then try to comprehend the content of the dream.

Right now, we are all dealing with an unprecedented situation that is stressful, anxiety-provoking, and has no definite end. Loss of sleep from what is happening is normal, but it is also an effect that can be mitigated. So choose a strategy, try it, and if that doesn’t work, try something new.

While you are trying to improve your sleep, keep washing your hands, practicing physical distancing, and doing whatever you can to keep yourself and yourself healthy and safe. After all, one of the best ways to get rid of the worries that keep you awake at night is to do your best during the day to make your life better.


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